The one who lives under the protection of the Most High dwells in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge, and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2 HCSB
You’ve probably heard it said that the three most important factors to consider when buying a home are location, location, location. Where we choose to live is important for a number of reasons.
Being close to where we work is one factor that many consider. People with children in school have to consider the school district.
Is the home in a flood zone? What are the neighbors like? Is the neighborhood safe? What’s the fire and police response time? Is there zoning? There are many questions to consider when choosing where you are going to live physically.
There are also many questions to consider where you are going to live spiritually. When we choose our spiritual residence, we only have two choices. We can live like the devil with the devil guiding us. We can live under his direction and be subject to him.
Or we can choose to live under the protection of the Most High. If you continue reading the next 11 verses of Psalm 91, you will see that it lists all the things the devil can throw at you and how God protects you from these things. Then in the last three verses it shifts to the first person where God says He will deliver us and protect us because we are lovingly devoted to Him and know His name. He goes on to say that when we call out to Him, He will answer us and deliver us in times of trouble. He will rescue us and even honor us. He will satisfy us with a long life and show us His salvation.
Just as we pay a price to live in a nice area, we have to pay a price to live under God’s protection. We have to be lovingly devoted to Him. We have love Him with all our heart. We have to be willing to let go of our sins. It’s a small price to pay for what we get in return.
This Psalm speaks of how a loving God protects His children. It’s important, however, that we understand that not everyone is a child of God. Many presume we are born God’s children and remain under God’s protection and provision, but this is not true. We must choose God. We must choose to dwell in the safety He provides. He protects children, but once we are old enough to decide for ourselves, we are given the choice to choose Him or the devil.
If we want Him to provide all we need, we must focus on Him (Matthew 6:33). If we want everything to work out for our good, we must love Him with all our heart, and do the work He has called us to do (Romans 8:28). And if we want to live in the shelter He provides, we must choose to dwell under His protection.
Choosing a good spiritual location while we are here on earth determines our eternal location. If we choose to live under the protection of the Most High, He will not only protect us from all this cold, cruel world puts us through, but He will bring us to heaven to live and reign with Him for eternity.
The three most important factors in where we live spiritually are also location, location, location. Be sure you are safe and secure and living under the protection of the Most High. There is no protection for those who choose the devil. The devil wants us to believe God will look the other way and excuse our sin, but the devil is a liar (John 8:44) and can never be trusted.
Make your permanent abode under the protection of God’s shelter. Let Him protect you and bring you into the glory that awaits us in heaven. He has prepared a home for you where you will be safe and secure and joyful for eternity. Our home with Him is in the perfect location.
Have a great day!