It’s Right in Front of You

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with gratefulness in your hearts to God.     Colossians 3:16 LSB

Have you ever searched for something to find it’s right there in front of you? Have you ever spent a few minutes searching for your glasses only to find they are on your head? Sometimes we have a hard time seeing what is right in front of our eyes. Or, as some say, we have a hard time seeing the forest for the trees.

We search for something because it is lost meaning it has been misplaced or it’s not where it should be. In Biblical terms, we say someone is lost when they have not accepted Christ as their Savior. Sadly, if you recall when you were lost, you know why we use that term.

The reason we use that term is because if someone is lost, they are misplaced or not where they should be. We were made to be in close fellowship with Jesus Christ. If you are lost the Bible offers a simple remedy for that in James 4:7-8 which tells us to submit or surrender ourselves to God which will cause the devil to flee from us. Then we should draw near to God because when we do so, He will draw near to us. God never forces us into fellowship with Him but He lovingly waits for us with open arms. Then we need to cleanse our hands and purify our hearts. 1 John 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Then James tells us not to be double-minded. Submit to God and don’t try to hang on to any sinful ways.

Those who have not surrendered to Christ as their Savior may do things that are wrong or downright evil. They may also make some huge mistakes. This is because they don’t heed Proverbs 3:5-6 which tells us not to rely on our own understanding, but to acknowledge or consult God in all we do, and He will guide us on the right paths. James 1:5 says if we are lacking in wisdom, we can simply ask God for wisdom. He will give it to us abundantly without fussing at us for not having it.

If we don’t have that God-given wisdom, we are apt to make mistakes. If we don’t rely on His guidance, we are apt to go down some wrong paths.

The answer to all we need to know is found in the Bible. If it’s not found in the Bible, it’s because we don’t need to know it. We spend a lot of time on things we don’t need or don’t need to know. We spend hours on our phones or in front of the television or reading the news. There is nothing wrong with recreation and relaxing, but this should be after we have devoted time to God daily through Bible study and prayer. God must come first.

What you need more than anything in this world is right in front of you. Do you see it? Or is your vision blocked by things that are passing away? Are you too busy with things you ought not be busy with? Are you letting the devil distract you?

Do you have questions about how to be a good spouse, parent, employee and Christian? Do you want to know how to go from being lost to being saved? Well, all those answers are found in your Bible. Open it, read it, study it. The answers are right there in front of you.

The devil delights in a dust-covered Bible.

If we aren’t careful the distractions of this old world will become our idols. We will put them before God and spend more time on them than with Him. This balance is not good, I know because I have lived that way and it brought me nothing but troubles and heartache.

I still have troubles, but now I have the Almighty God walking with me through these problems and believe me up next to Him, they are small. If you need an instruction manual for what you need to do here on earth or how you need to get to heaven, it’s in your Bible.

Even the vilest sinner usually has access to a Bible. So, if you need help or answers open the Bible, they are right in front of you.

Have a great day!