No Middle Ground

And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the fire.     Revelation 20:15 LSB

I have been doing a study on Revelation. Back in 2012, our former pastor, Brother L. C. Lord, presented a study on the book, and I felt led to type it up and present it to my family members. I felt a burden on my heart for them to all be saved. I began typing it, but never completed it.

Several months back, I decided to go through my notes from that study. I realized I had a few chapters missing. He presented it in 29 sessions, I never missed one, but apparently, I have misplaced some of my notes. Anyway, I decided that we all need to understand the book of Revelation.

Studying the book of Revelation is a daunting task, I will admit. I take no credit for this study; I had the benefit of using Brother Lord’s notes. I also had the benefit of some other scholars of God’s word including Tim Lahaye, Warren Wiersbe, and John MacArthur.

Revelation wraps up God’s Holy Word. It’s the end, the last book. But what it speaks of is spoken of in many other books in both the Old and the New Testament. The bottom line is this, if your name is not found written in the book of life, you are going to be cast into the lake of fire.

This is not something we want to hear. We want to hear we can kinda, sorta obey God’s word and skate through the pearly gates. But we are clearly told there is no fence sitting here. There is no middle ground. Either you make the cut or you don’t.

What’s interesting is that you are not expected to do this on your own. We are expected to simply surrender to Him and trust in Him. He will handle everything else.

If the good Lord is willing, I hope to be presenting this study I have done in the near future. But spoiler alert, those who surrender to God win. It’s that simple. It may not be cool for you to be a Christian in today’s society, but in heaven for eternity you will be a king and you will reign with God forever and ever. How cool is that?

If you haven’t surrendered your life- heart and soul- to Him, do it today. What are you waiting for? Whatever is going on here today is passing away. Even the heavens and the earth will pass away. They will be replaced with new heavens and a new earth where pain and sorrow are a thing of the past. But you can’t get in there unless your name is written in the book of life.

If you are sitting on the fence trying to keep one foot in the church and one foot in the world, know you might as well just fall off into the world. God requires total trust, obedience, and commitment. You have to choose, what will it be; The lake of fire or streets paved of gold? Sounds like a no-brainer, but we are told many will choose the fire. Don’t let that be you, be sure your reservations are made, and your name is written in the book.

I pray you choose wisely.

Have a great day!