Being Meek is Not for the Weak

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.     Matthew 5:5 NKJV

We live in a world where being described as meek and gentle is not considered to be a compliment. We should, however, consider it a great compliment. Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount, blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.

Even if we would consider it a compliment to be called meek, it’s hard to do these days. We live in an evil world. And aren’t we called to fight in the Bible for what is right? Well, not really. We are to stand up for what is right. Like Jesus, we are to have righteous anger. This means when someone offends God, we should be offended. When someone offends us, we should let God handle it.

In 2 Chronicles when Jehoshaphat faced two vast armies coming against him. God told him not to fear or be dismayed but to go out against these armies for the LORD was with him.

We need to understand meekness is not about fear or failing to face the trials and tribulations that come our way. Jehoshaphat was instructed to have his army suit up and report to the battlefield. He was to face these vast armies. God had told him he would not need to fight this battle, but he would need to position his army and watch what God was going to do.

We need to understand that being meek doesn’t mean being weak. It means exercising self-control. We live in a society where self-control seems to have gone by the wayside. Everyone thinks they are entitled to do what they want to do even if it offends God and even if it offends others.

In the Beatitudes here in Matthew five Jesus says we will be blessed if we are poor in spirit, if we are mourning, if we are gentle or meek, if we hunger and thirst for righteousness, if we are merciful, pure in heart, and peacemakers. You could sum this up by saying if we follow the example set by Jesus, we will be blessed. He was all these things.

Jesus goes on to say those who are persecuted for righteousness will be blessed and those who are insulted, persecuted and lied about because of Him will have great reward in heaven.

There are times, more than I like to admit, when I would really like to be mean and not meek. I would really like to suit up for battle and fight. It takes much more self-control to let go and let God handle it. And I don’t know about you, but for me it takes prayer-lots of prayer.

If you feel like you are under attack by evil persons or forces, know God’s got this. Take a deep breath and put a smile on your face because you serve a God that will fight your battles for you. You simply have to be obedient to Him, suit up and get into formation. He’s got this.

It takes a great deal of self-control to live the way God calls us to live. But praise God when we are weak, He is strong (2 Corinthians 12:9). He will help you to maintain that self-control. He will help you to stay calm and gentle in the midst of the storm. You need only to call on Him and trust in Him.

Doing what the devil wants us to do comes naturally. This is why the Bible calls it walking in the flesh. Doing what God calls us to do takes strength and courage. Being meek and treating others the way God calls us to treat them isn’t always easy. It’s not for sissies.

Trust in God today, He will help you to be an imitator of Jesus Christ. Remember meekness is not weakness, it’s self-control and that takes a great deal of strength. Trust in God to help you.

If you find yourself still trying to fight your battles and refusing to give it all to God, let it go. Muster up the strength to hand it all over to Him. He’s waiting to help you and to bless you.

Have a great day!