
The son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight. I’m no longer worthy to be called your son.”
Luke 15:24 CSB

Our Scripture passage today is an excerpt from the parable of the Prodigal Son. This young man had demanded his inheritance which he then squandered on reckless living. When he found himself eating with the pigs, he realized that he would have it much better at home as one of his father’s servants.

He didn’t go home intending to be welcomed as a son but wanted to be allowed to work for his father. He felt unworthy to be called his father’s son. He was well aware of the way he had been living. He came to his father in shame and humiliation. He was not prideful, he was broken. He had no intention of doing it his way. He had tried this, and it didn’t work.

He had learned from his mistakes. But his father welcomed him with open arms. He rejoiced at his return. He called for a feast to celebrate the return of his lost son. Jesus told this parable in response to being questioned about his association with sinners. He told about how a shepherd leaves his 99 sheep to look for one that is lost and how a woman will sweep her whole house to find a lost coin. In verse 10, Jesus said, “I tell you, in the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents.”

Do you come to God today as someone worthy of His mercy and grace? Or do you come to Him broken? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you humble yourself before Him and seek restoration?

My friend, we are not worthy of God’s love. We are not worthy of His wonderful mercy and His grace. Even though we are unworthy, He gladly and freely gives us salvation through His Son Jesus Christ if we will just humble ourselves, confess our sins, and repent.

My friend, there must be repentance. We must humble ourselves. Then and only then will we understand God doesn’t need us, He wants us. He loves us with a love far beyond our finite comprehension.

If you are reading your Bible or praying or going to church thinking you are doing God some kind of favor, you better think again. He doesn’t want pride in what you can do for Him. He wants humility with an understanding of what you need Him to do for you.

We need Him. Even when we don’t want Him, we need Him. We are not worthy to be called a child of God, but we still need Him. He created us in His image to be in fellowship with Him. He made us eternal beings but leaves it up to us where we will spend eternity. It’s a choice we must make. We can trust in Him and surrender to Him and spend eternity in heaven or we can reject Him and spend eternity in hell.

We will never have true surrender and repentance until we are fully aware of just how unworthy we are.

My friend, if you haven’t surrendered to Him what are you waiting for? If you are thinking He will overlook your sins because He so desperately wants you, you better think again. We serve a God of judgment. We have a Father that will not fail to discipline us when we do wrong.

Most importantly, we have a Father that will forgive us of our wrongdoings. He will pick us up when we fall and help us to stand. Even though we are not worthy, He loves us anyway. He gave His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Don’t reject the grace He so freely gives. Surrender your life to Him today. Trust Him and obey Him and feel the great love He has for those of us who are unworthy.

Have a great day!