Facing the Giant

When Saul and all Israel heard these words from the Philistine, they lost their courage and were terrified.
1 Samuel 17:11 HCSB

In the historical narrative of David and Goliath, the Israelite army and their leader, King Saul were being taunted by a giant named Goliath. This giant from the Philistine army wanted someone from the Israelite army to fight him one on one.

The problem with this was that Goliath was 9 feet and 9 inches tall. They were terrified. But then along comes this young shepherd boy named David and he’s not afraid. He tells King Saul; he will go out and face this giant with a slingshot and five stones.

Now you may wonder why a teenage shepherd boy would have no fear in this situation while the entire Israelite army is terrified. That’s a good question. The answer is a simple one.

The Israelite army is being led by Saul. Saul was Israel’s first king. God chose him to lead God’s people when they demanded a king. Saul started out in humility, but he let things like pride and worrying too much about what other people thought mess him up.

He messed up so badly that God told him his son would not succeed him as king. Once Saul died that was the end of the family line so to speak and a new king would be anointed. Now Saul didn’t know this, but this young shepherd boy had already been anointed to succeed him as king.

The reason Saul and his men are terrified is that the Spirit of the Lord had departed Saul (1 Samuel 16:14). God was tired of Saul’s repeated disobedience. God was tired of Saul worrying more about what men thought about him than what God thought about him. So, Saul was out on this battlefield without the Lord’s Spirit. This is not a good place to be.

David, however, had the Spirit of the Lord come mightily upon Him (1 Samuel 16:13) when he was anointed king. David knew that God would fight this battle. David was simply the instrument God would use to defeat this giant. God was with David; he was not alone.

Saul was not only without the Spirit of the Lord, but the Lord had sent an evil spirit to torment Saul (1 Samuel 16:14). He was without the Lord’s spirit being tormented by an evil spirit and trying to lead an army against a giant. Can you just imagine being in his position?

If you are struggling with something today and it seems like you are facing a giant, you don’t have to face this giant alone. God would love to help you with this, you simply need to ask. You need to trust in God and be obedient to His commands and He will help slay this giant.

We oftentimes face giants alone because we fail to ask God for His help. Other times we fail to obey His commands and want to do it our way. I don’t know about you, but that has never worked well for me. I’ve learned there are two different ways to do things, His way, and the wrong way.

When we realize that our strength and our help come from the Lord (Psalm 121:2) as David did, there is nothing we can’t do. David may have been only a young shepherd boy, but he was a young man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22).

If you are facing a giant, don’t focus on the giant, focus on the Lord. Love Him with all your heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37). Know He will fight your battles for you, you need only be still and watch His deliverance (2 Chronicles 20:17). You have no reason to be afraid or be discouraged.

And most importantly, remember, God’s got this!

Have a great day!