Mom’s Legacy

Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all. Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing. But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates.
Proverbs 31:29-31 NKJV

My mom has gone home to be with the Lord. Though I miss her terribly, I know she is home, and she is healed. I know she can speak and sing again. I know she can walk and even run. I know this because of the 57 years I lived under her tutelage.

She has been promoted from the church choir to the choir of saints in heaven. I celebrate the life of my mom. I want everyone who knew her and even those who didn’t to know she was truly a woman of God. If any of her family or friends go to hell it will not be because she didn’t show them how to get to heaven.

She lived her life in a way that brought glory, honor, and praise to the heavenly father. She taught her children and grandchildren the importance of loving the Lord and loving others.

Growing up with my mom, church was not an option. I knew where I would spend my Sunday morning, Sunday evening and Wednesday night.

There was a time when I got older that I wasn’t involved in church. I would go a couple of times a month but wasn’t as devoted or committed as I had been raised to be. Mom didn’t nag, but always encouraged me to return to a commitment to Christ and the church. She set an example of Christian living. Eventually, I came to my senses.

Mom served Sunday dinner after church services without fail. Her table was open to anyone who wanted to come. She always extended an invitation to church and let the invitee know that after church they were welcome to come for dinner.

A few weeks ago, we were talking about the Proverbs 31 woman in a Bible study. One of the ladies said who can measure up? I told them my mom could.

My mom took care of her family. She somehow managed to work 40-plus hours a week and take care of her parents as they aged. Her father had dementia, but she and my uncle refused to put him in a nursing home. My uncle had a dairy and would care for him during the day. My mom worked at the bank and would care for him in the evenings.

This all while raising a teenager who wasn’t always the easiest child to raise. My mom lived for many years with my dad before his being saved (1 Corinthians 7:13). I never heard her nag him about church, she just lived an example for him to follow. After 58 years of marriage, my dad surrendered his life to the Lord (1 Peter 3:1-2).

She never failed to attend church where she taught Sunday School and served as a church clerk for 52 years. She sang in the church choir. She helped out during times of bereavement. She diligently loved and served the Lord through her works in the church and her service to others. She supported the church and missions through her tithes and offerings.

My mom took a large piece of my heart to heaven with her. I guess she will hold it there until I am able to come to reclaim it, which I will do someday.

My prayer for each of you who may take time to read this is that you too are headed to heaven. Ladies our life isn’t always easy, but we have the opportunity to leave a legacy of love and devotion to our Lord and Savior.

Men if you are reading this, be the kind of husband the Bible tells you to be (1 Peter 3:7).

It’s our assignment here on earth to lead as many people to heaven as we possibly can during our short stay here on earth.

Thanks, mom, for leaving a legacy of love and devotion. I know you must be singing in the choir of saints. Congratulations on your accomplishment. Thanks for showing so many of us the way to get there.