God Are You Talking to Me?

And the Angel of the LORD appeared to him, and said to him, “The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valor!”
Judges 6:12 NKJV

In this Scripture passage, the LORD is speaking to Gideon. This is a theophany or a pre-incarnate Jesus Christ. He has appeared as the Angel of the LORD and tells Gideon that He, the LORD, is with him, and then addresses him as a mighty man of valor.

To put this into its proper context, understand that Gideon is hiding and threshing his wheat. The Israelites are being punished for their disobedience. God allowed the Midianites to oppress them by swooping in once their crops are ready for harvest and taking all of their food.

Gideon has gathered some wheat and is attempting to hide inside to thresh this wheat. This is something that would usually be done outside. I doubt Gideon felt very valiant at this point. But God began with, ” The LORD is with you.”

God had allowed the Midianites to oppress the Israelites due to their disobedience. The definition of oppression is to keep someone in hardship especially due to unjust authority or to cause someone to feel distressed, anxious, or uncomfortable.

The LORD knew that with His help, Gideon was a mighty man of valor. He knew that He would do the fighting for Gideon. We are told in Ephesians 6:10-18 that we engage in spiritual warfare and God provides our armor as well as our defensive weapon.

Throughout the Old Testament, we see mighty warriors that are very successful as long as they stay true to God.

The Israelites had not remained faithful, they had become disobedient. When the Midianites oppressed them, they cried out to God as we often do when the going gets rough. God heard their cry. Psalm 34:16-17 tells us God hears the righteous cry out and delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart and saves such as have a contrite spirit.

God was going to use Gideon to deliver them from the oppression of the Midianites. Gideon questioned God about this. He even tested God to be sure it was God speaking to Him. He gave excuses as to why this was probably not such a good idea. But God assured Gideon that He would be with him. He assured him He had everything under control.

Now in the Old Testament, God appeared in human form or what we call a theophany or a pre-incarnate Jesus Christ to people. He spoke directly to them. He also appeared in the form of a flame or a cloud.

Today, God speaks to us through His holy word. I’ve heard it said that if you want to hear God speak to you, read your Bible out loud.

God is calling Gideon to do as He commands. He has a job for Him. He is going to give him the strength needed to complete this job. Gideon is a mighty man of valor with God’s help.

Is God calling you to do something? If not, then I must ask this, are you reading your Bible? If you have the opportunity to serve the Lord, are you questioning it? Well, ask yourself this, why would God not want you to serve Him?

If you have an opportunity to serve the LORD, know that if this is His plan for you, He will equip you with all you need. He will provide whatever you may be lacking.

You may be oppressed and downtrodden, but God can use you to accomplish great things for Him. Trust in God. Be obedient to Him. Stay in God’s word, this is how he speaks to us. Listen to what it has to say and obey His commands.

Since I have dedicated myself to the Lord, I have found myself taking on tasks I would never in a million years believed I could do, but with God’s help, I’ve been able to do it. I’ve also done things I never imagined I would want to do, but God has made it a joyful experience. He will do the same for you.

Have a great day!