Thanks God, I’ll Take It From Here

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do no lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths.     Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV

We often draw near to God in times of trouble. We pray, we do the things God tells us to do through His holy word. God answers those prayers and then we figure we can take it from there. Maybe you have never done this, but I’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt.

Our Scripture passage for today does not say to trust in God in hard times only. It does not say once God makes your path straight you are good to walk all on your own. As a matter of fact, you won’t find that anywhere in the Bible. God wants us to be in a close relationship with Him at all times. He wants to guide us in all our ways.

Think about this for a minute. We all have that friend or family member that we never hear a peep out of unless they need something. When you see their name and number on your caller ID the first thing you think, “Is what do they want now?”

This is usually the same person that is always busy when you need something or just called to check on them or chat with them. How does that make you feel? I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel used and unappreciated.

Don’t you think it may make God feel the same way? I spent a number of years in my life calling out to God in times of crisis and then brushing Him off when things were going well. The truth is most of us come to salvation through some sort of drama or tragedy in our lives.

It’s the same principle as what we call jailhouse salvation. As a probation/parole officer I brought many people to jail. I met with many people that were facing long incarcerations. It was pretty common for them to tell me they had found Jesus shortly after they got into jail.

It was very uncommon for them to bring Him back out into the world with them. Many of them prayed and went to religious services and read their Bibles until they were released from their unfortunate circumstances. Then they left the jail and resumed their old, sinful lives and left Jesus behind.

We should never try to go it on our own, we will only make a mess of things. God intends for us to acknowledge Him and trust in Him completely in all we do, both the good and the bad. He is always with us and will never forsake us.

It’s easy to get caught up in the roller coaster ride. We trust in God when we are down and forget about Him when we are up and things are going well. That can get really old really quickly.

If you are tired of the roller coaster, trust in God. Ask Him to lead you and guide you in all you do. Remember there is no issue you face in life that is too small to consult Him. He is a great, great Father who wants to be there for you through it all.

Trust in Him today and always. When we acknowledge Him in all our ways and trust Him to guide us, we can’t go wrong.

Have a great day!