The Panacea

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6 ESV

And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”     Acts 4:12 ESV

The term “Panacea” is an interesting term. It is defined as a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases. It comes from the name given in Greek mythology to a goddess named Panacea or disambiguation.  That big word simply means to remove any uncertainty from a term or phrase. It means to make something clear.

If you didn’t early vote, I encourage you to do so next Tuesday. As most of you know, I avoid the news as much as possible. But what little bit I am hearing has politicians at every level from local all the way to national claiming to be the panacea for all that is wrong in their jurisdictions. They promise anything and everything to get the vote.

Sadly, in our local elections we have had politicians and political consultants coming under indictment for vote buying. It’s sad that integrity and standing on morals or principals seems to have gone out the window.

If you watch television for more than 15 minutes at any given time you are bound to see a commercial for a new drug on the market. It promises to cure all types of things, but then in the end it tells you about all the horrible side effects. It may cure your aching back, gas, or whatever but it may in turn cause something that could kill you. Interesting, isn’t it?

We all want a panacea. I mean think about it. Wouldn’t it be great if something could solve all your problems? Wouldn’t it be great if you could be assured you would never, ever face another difficult situation?

Many people turn to all kinds of things thinking they will be a panacea. Some turn to alcohol or drugs, while others turn to pornography or sex. Some may even become involved in so-called religious practices that are simply cults, while others may turn to things like witchcraft thinking they can just cast spells on anyone who upsets them. Some may turn to mediums or fortune tellers thinking if they know the future, they can make it better.

These are the kinds of things people use to fill a hole in their heart. Our only panacea is Jesus Christ. He is the fix all to end all. He is the one and only way to salvation. He is the one and only way into heaven. We are all born with a Jesus-sized hole in our heart. We can try to use other things to stuff in that hole, but only Jesus will fill it. Only Jesus will fix all that is wrong in our lives.

Many make the mistake of thinking Jesus will make their lives here on earth perfect, but He never promises to do this. He does, however, promise to bring us to heaven with Him when He returns if we accept Him as our Savior. He promises us an eternal life of everlasting peace and joy. And while He will not take all our troubles away here on planet earth, He is the way to peace and joy here while we wait for His return.

If you suffer from illness, addiction, loneliness, financial hardship, anger issues, bitterness or just about anything you can think of He is the answer. He is the only answer. Turn to Him today. Trust in Him and obey His commands. You won’t be sorry you did.

Have a great day!