Beware the Darkness

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light-for the fruit of the light results in all goodness, righteousness, and truth-discerning what is pleasing to the Lord. Don’t participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but instead expose them.     Ephesians 5:8-11 HCSB

This is a time of year when we tend to gravitate towards the darkness. We like scary things. We like to dress up in scary costumes and maybe even scare people. But be very careful because we want to always be sure to stay away from evil. We are told in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 to stay away from every kind of evil.

We must be careful to avoid darkness. Darkness can refer to anyone conspiring to do evil or perpetrating evil against someone. We must also be careful of things like witchcraft and divination. The Bible has a great deal to say about these things.

Leviticus 19:31 says not to turn to mediums or necromancers (those who try to contact the dead). The Israelites were told that by doing so they made themselves unclean. Isaiah 8:19 asks, “Should they inquire of the dead on behalf of the living?”

Ephesians 6:12 warns that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.

There are many Scripture passages that warn against sorcery.

Many pose the question, is it wrong to celebrate Halloween? Well, I would say that depends on how you celebrate it. Stay away from things like Ouija boards, witchcraft and sorcery. Honor God in your celebration by showing His love and kindness. There is nothing wrong with handing candy out to kids or taking your kids to get candy.

We must remember, however, to teach our children about the devil and the darkness that exists in this world. We must caution them to avoid it at all costs.

The darkness is intriguing just as fire is intriguing. If we get too close to a fire, however, we run the risk of being burned. If we get too close to darkness, we run the risk of becoming a part of the darkness. It is easy to be taken in due to our curiosity and intrigue.

When we are lost sinners, we are darkness. Once we accept Christ as our Savior we become the light. We should continue to be the light that leads others to Christ. We must walk as children of the light.

Most importantly, our children need to know that we serve a God who is greater than any dark forces in this world. We serve a God who wants to protect us and take good care of us, but we must trust in Him to do that. We must be obedient to His commands.

Enjoy trick or treating, whenever possible, use it to lead people to the Lord. But whatever you do stay away from the darkness.

Have a great day!