Why Do We Worry?

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses every thought will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7-8 HCSB

The Bible tells us not to worry. It’s right there in black and white. Still, however, we worry. Some worry more than others. Some may even borrow troubles to worry about. At one time or another we worry about something. Why do we do it?

We worry because we don’t trust God to work everything out. I have fretted over issues I cannot control. I have prayed and wanted God to work them out just as I hope they will work out. What’s more is I worry about God’s timing. There, I admitted it.

I want things done in a certain time frame. I know God’s timing is perfect, but I get an idea in my head of when something needs to happen. I want God to follow my timeline, but it just doesn’t work that way. God’s timing is perfect because oftentimes God is putting things into place so His plan will fall in line perfectly for us. He knows what we need. He knows what is best for us. Most importantly He knows just when we need it.

There have been times when I have grown frustrated over delays in situations that were causing me stress. Each time, though, God was working behind the scenes. He was lining things up perfectly and putting things in place to make the end result even better than I had hoped for.

We are told in John 10:10 that the enemy or the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. Worry is one way for him to do this. If he can get us to worry, he can steal our joy. He can kill our zeal for the Lord by removing our focus from God and putting our focus on our problems. He can destroy our witness.

We witness when others see something we have, and they want. Nobody wants to worry. Everybody wants peace and joy.

If we proclaim to be Christians but fail to exhibit peace and joy, we can turn others away from Christianity. The devil would love to see this happen. The devil wants to see us fall in our walk with Christ. The devil wants us to discourage others from following Christ.

So, again I ask why do we worry? I can’t answer for everyone else, but I worry that I’m not good enough for God to bless me. The truth is I don’t even deserve the breath that God gives me to make it through any given day. I’m not good enough for God to bless me, but He does anyway. He blesses me over and over and so much more than I deserve.

Looking back, I can honestly say there were times when I thought things were going horribly wrong only to discover later that God was working things out for me (Romans 8:28). He was giving me His best; it just took time for me to understand it.

My friend, God loves you. In spite of the horrible fact that we are all miserable sinners (Romans 3:23), He still loves us. He won’t force His goodness on us, but if we accept it and accept Jesus as our Savior, He will bless us more than we could imagine.

Trust in Him. When the devil tempts you to worry just say, “Not today, Satan!” Don’t believe the devil’s lies. You can cast your cares on Him. This means you can give whatever is troubling you over to God. He cares for you and will not let you down (1 Peter 5:7).

Worry is a distraction tool from the devil. Don’t let him use it on you. Trust in God today.

Have a great day!