Disney-Let It Go!

And whoever welcomes one child like this in My name welcomes Me.
But whoever causes the downfall of one of these little ones who believes in Me-it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the sea!   Matthew 18:5-6 HCSB

I remember a time when Disney was associated with great movies like The Shaggy Dog and Herbie the Love Bug. Yes, I know I’m dating myself. But those were movies my parents didn’t have to worry about me watching. My stepson grew up watching Toy Story, another great series. I remember my little niece watching movies like Frozen. I remember buying her one of those huge Disney coloring books with all the princesses in there. And who doesn’t love Mickey and Minnie Mouse?

Sadly, Disney is no longer family friendly. They own their own channel; they have Disney cruises and of course everyone loves the theme parks. They have movies, television shows, books and toys and all types of money-making projects. But it’s time we take a good hard look at what they have become. Walt Disney may have loved children and may have set out to provide good, clean family friendly entertainment. That’s all changed now.

For years Disney has promoted homosexuality. They even have a gay pride week at their parks. Several months back they released a movie Turning Red. In this movie a 13-year-old turns into a red Panda. This girl is described as lesbian or transgender.

On November 24, 2021, I published a blog titled, “They are Coming for Your Children.” This was after I heard the song performed by the San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir which literally says, “We are coming for your children.” Well, sadly now Disney is coming for your children with their movies that support the LBGT movement. But now they have added pagan worship into the mix.

In Romans 1:20-24, Paul warns that if we continue on in our sinful desires knowing the truth about God, God will give us over to our sinful desires. Simple translation, if we want a sinful life led by the devil, God will let us have it. He will give up on us. That’s scary.

I think it’s time the Christian community give up on Disney. There is an uproar among the Christian community about a commercial that aired Sunday night during a football game. This commercial was promoting Disney’s new show, Little Demon, which has already begun airing on FX. This show is about the child of Satan using demonic forces to destroy her enemies. Of course, this is in direct violation of how Scripture tells us to deal with our enemies. We are told to turn to God, not to Satanic forces or rituals. There is complete nudity during one of the rituals. Our children must be protected from Disney.

Jesus loves the little children. It’s not just a song, it’s in Scripture. Just read our Scripture passage again. For the love of our children, we must send a strong message to Disney. If they want to promote the devil and paganism, we can’t stop them, but we don’t have to support them. I strongly encourage you to let Disney go. Don’t give them your hard-earned money. And whatever you do, don’t allow your children to watch their movies that promote their satanic agendas.

There is a conservative watchdog group called One Million Moms. They focus on commercials and television shows that could be harmful for young viewers. They start petitions to stop them. I encourage you to go to their website. They have started a petition to have this show cancelled. Join forces with them. When you register with them, they will send emails each time they start a new campaign so you can sign their petition.

I don’t watch a lot of television, so I am often amazed at what is being shown, I appreciate the fact that they keep me informed.

As Christians, it’s time we stand up for Christ. It’s time we let the big companies like Disney know that if this is what they promote, we can simply let them go.

Have a great day!