When Things Don’t Go As Planned

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.     Proverbs 3:5-6 HCSB

I don’t know about you, but I like to plan. I also like to dream. What I really like is when my dreams merge with my plans and I actually receive or accomplish something I have been dreaming of having or doing. But that doesn’t always happen. I might even say it rarely happens. Or maybe I should say my plans work out more than my dreams do. Either way, I have to sometimes remind myself that it is God’s plans I should be attempting to carry out.

Our Scripture passage tells us we should trust in Him with all our heart. It tells us we should not trust our own understanding. In all we do we are to consider Him, and He will guide us on the right paths. Sometimes God causes me to zig when I want to zag.

The Bible also tells us His ways are higher than our ways. Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us God’s thoughts and ways are higher than our thoughts and ways. God knows what’s best for us. This is why we must trust in Him. We must stay focused on Him through prayer and Bible study.

We should plan, but don’t be too upset when God changes those plans. You’ve probably heard it said, “When man plans, God laughs.” I have found in times when God changes my plans, it’s because he has something better planned for me. I just have to trust in that when things don’t go my way.

When things don’t go as you had planned, trust that God is working all things out for your good (Romans 8:28). Remember He can see the future. He knows what’s in store for us. He knows what is best. When He doesn’t give us what we want, it may be because He knows that is not what is best for us.

There was one really big dream I had many years ago. I planned it all out. I did everything I needed to do. I spent several years planning for a new career. I went to school for an additional two years to get the degree I needed. I came so close and then I didn’t get the job. I was heartbroken. I finally realized it was not what God had planned for me.

I trusted in Him and continued in the path He had for me. I felt I had wasted all that time getting a degree. It would be 15 years later before I realized God had a plan for it. God knew what was coming in my life. He knew where I needed to be, and he kept me there. He put my degree to good use in His timing.

Trusting in God when things don’t go our way isn’t easy. I have found it takes time to learn to do this. Once I got to a point where I trusted in Him, it gave me peace in my life. Knowing that God’s got this and is in complete control gives me joy and peace. It allows me to do what He has called me to do and I allow Him to take care of everything else.

My prayer for you today is when things don’t go your way, you will just go God’s way and leave it all up to Him. Trust in Him to lead and guide you. Acknowledge Him in all your ways. Trust that His ways are better than your ways. This will give you peace and joy.

Have a great day!