Words on a Page

For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the ideas and thoughts of the heart. No creature is hidden from Him, but all things are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account.
Hebrews 6:12-13 HCSB

Have you ever thought about how many words we read in any given day. We read ads, we read social media posts, we read signs. Some of us even read instructions every now and then. We read junk mail or at least a piece of it. We read blogs like this one. We read e-mail and news feeds. The list goes on and on. People get paid a lot of money to write some of the stuff we read. There are jobs in marketing and creative writing that pay top dollar.

People are paid to write words that persuade us to buy a certain product or support a certain candidate or cause. We read much more than we realize we do. Some things we read on purpose and some just because they pop up in our day.

The most important thing we will ever read is God’s holy word. In Psalm 119:105 God’s word is described by the Psalmist as “a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” So, I want you to think about which words on a page guide your path these days. Is it that ad for that new gadget you just had to try? Is it that new novel you just can’t put down? Is it the documents at work that keep you busy? Is it the emails? Do you trust in those social media posts to keep you informed and entertained?

My friend God’s holy word should be our source for life. It should be what we turn to for guidance. It should be what we read when we need instructions for how to live our life. It should be the ultimate authority in all we do. Is it that for you? Do you read it every day?

You will read many things as you go through this day. But will you actually pick up His word and read it. Will you study His word to enrich your life? I pray you will. When we pray, it’s our way of talking to God. When we read His word, it’s his way of talking to us? If you pray without studying God’s word, you are having a one-sided conversation. Think about that for a minute.

God’s word is not just words on a page, but it’s active and living. It’s like a double-edged sword. There is nothing you will read today that will be more necessary and relevant to your life. Charles Spurgeon said, “If you see a Bible that’s falling apart it usually belongs to someone who isn’t.”

I beg of you as you go through this day don’t just read words on a page, read God’s holy word. Let it be a light to your feet and a lamp on your path.

Have a great day!