Sin Causes Broken Hearts

“Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And you when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”     Luke 22:31 HCSB

One of our stories at our Vacation Bible School today is about Peter’s denial of Jesus. We will be teaching the kids that Peter’s denial of Jesus broke Peter’s heart. During their Passover meal Jesus told Simon, also known as Peter, that before the rooster crowed, he would deny Jesus three times. Peter was abhorred by this because he loved Jesus so. He said he would go with Jesus even to death. But just as Jesus had predicted, Peter denied Jesus three times. The third time he denied Jesus the rooster crowed immediately after. Luke 22:62 tells us that Peter went outside and wept bitterly.

If you look at the beginning of our verse, Jesus told Peter that Satan had asked to sift him like wheat. What does that mean? Well, when the wheat farmers gathered the wheat, they would gather it with something called tares. The tares were a part of the wheat that was no good. It needed to be separated. This was done by sifting. The tares would fall away, and the wheat would remain. Satan wants to test Peter to see if he will fall away from Jesus like the tares fall from the wheat.

Peter said in 1 Peter 5:8 that we should be sober and alert because the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. He should know right? We must remember that the devil has no need to destroy a non-Christian. The devil already has that person in his corner. The devil likes to go after Christians. The more dedicated we are the more likely the devil will want to attack. We know that Peter loved the Lord deeply.

Peter was warned about this satanic attack but was unable to stop it. He became fearful. He allowed his fear to overtake his faith and he denied Jesus three times just as Jesus had told him he would do. This wasn’t the first time Peter did this. There was a time when Jesus walked on water. Peter wanted to walk on water also. Jesus called him out of the boat, and he walked on water very briefly. But then he took his eyes off Jesus and began to fear the wind and the waves and began to sink.

We know that Peter’s sin broke his heart because the Bible tells us he wept bitterly. Our sin breaks Jesus’ heart and it also leaves us brokenhearted. Maybe you have sinned and broken Jesus’ heart as well as your own. The good thing is it’s not too late. You can repent. Jesus not only forgave Peter, but He gave Peter the very important job of spreading the gospel to others. Peter went on to heal and strengthen others.

God has a job for you to do. You can’t do it if your sin has left you brokenhearted. Turn back to God. Repent and be forgiven. It’s not too late.

Have a great weekend!