Why Did Jesus Use Parables?

When He was alone with the Twelve, those who were around Him asked Him about the parables. He answered them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to those outside, everything comes in parables so that they may look and look and yet not perceive; they may listen and listen, yet not understand; otherwise, they might turn back-and be forgiven.”

In my many years of working with criminals I dealt with two types of people. There were those who were extremely intelligent. Their problem was that they thought they were smarter than everyone else. Instead of using their knowledge for good, they were constantly trying to get over on someone or get away with something. If they were speaking to their parole or probation officer, obviously they had been outsmarted somewhere along the way.

The other type was one who was not so bright and often times was in trouble because of their lack of intelligence and perhaps even because others had used them. When I spoke with those that had less intelligence than others, I often tried to break it down to them in a way that they could understand. I gave examples using things and situations they were familiar with in an effort to explain certain things to them. But many times, it just sailed right over their heads.

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus uses parables. These parables have a much deeper meaning. He explains to His disciples in our Scripture passage that the secret of the kingdom of God has been given to them. What does that mean? Well, I can only explain by using my personal experience. There was a time in my life when I would commit to read my Bible, but that commitment would be short lived. I would start out with good intentions but would find it confusing or even boring and I would stop. Then after I re-dedicated my life to Christ, I began to study the Bible. It started to make more sense. Not only did it make more sense, but I began to find it fascinating. I began to see it as God’s love story to me. I began to see how it was an instructional manual for how to live and how not to live our lives.

When we seek God and His righteousness, we begin to have the secret of the kingdom of God revealed to us through His Holy word. We can see through His word the great love He has for us. We can see clearly what He expects of us and what He will not tolerate.

But for those who reject Him, they will look and look and not perceive. They will listen and listen and still not understand. Is this because God doesn’t want them to be saved? No, it’s because their hearts will harden as they continue to reject Him, and they just won’t get it. True wisdom comes from God. We are told in James 1:5 that anyone who lacks wisdom can ask God for it. He goes on to say that God gives wisdom generously when we ask and does not criticize us for our lack of it.

My friend, you may consider yourself to be the smartest person in any room, but without God you have no wisdom. You will look and look and not perceive. You will listen and listen and not understand.

Turn to Him today. Pray for wisdom and discernment. Trust and obey Him and the secrets of the kingdom of God will be revealed to you through God’s Holy word.

Have a great day!