Have You Fallen Among the Thorns?

Oher seed fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked it, and it didn’t produce a good crop.
Mark 4:7 HCSB

The last few days we have been going through the parable of the Sower as told by Jesus in Mark 4:1-9. In this parable Jesus is encouraging us to examine our hearts. He warns against shallow Christianity. Over the last couple days, we have spoken of the seed that fell along the path, the seed that fell on rocky ground and today we are speaking of the seed that fell among the thorns. I can recall a time when I definitely felt as though I had fallen among the thorns. I wanted to grow in the Lord, but the thorns were choking the life out of me.

Thorns come in many forms. They can be evil people around you that don’t want to see you in a close relationship with your Lord and Savior. They can be life’s circumstances that may seem to choke you at times. They may refer to false teachings that will lead you astray. Do you feel like the thorns are choking you and you just can’t grow in Christ? Do you feel like you can’t be productive because of those around you or the circumstances you face?

If you have ever attempted to grow any type of plant outside, you know thorns or weeds can be detrimental to your plant. I’ve noticed these huge stalks coming out of the ground that have very long, sharp thorns. They tend to grow out and can be quite painful if one snags me while I am cutting grass. They grow quickly and have tried to take over several of my plants. They must be removed in order for my plants to grow and thrive.

Do you have thorns in your life that need to be removed? Do you have people that are choking the life out of your relationship with Jesus? Do you have feelings of anger and resentment? Do you harbor hatred and bitterness? Do you have situations causing fear which is choking out your faith?

God doesn’t want us to grow a little bit, He wants us to thrive. He wants us to be the best we can be. He wants us to have a peace that others just can’t understand. He wants us to have a joy that is not dependent on our circumstances. In order to do so we must trust in Him. We must remove the thorns or the objects that get in our way and steal our joy. This is often very difficult to do. But He will help you with that. I’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt. I was in a situation where an evil person had created a great deal of chaos in my life, and I was so bitter. I had to pray numerous times a day for God to remove that bitterness. I had to start praying for God to save that person. God began to do a work in my heart. He killed the weeds and thorns of hatred and bitterness that were choking me. He gave me a heart of compassion for this person and eventually released me from the relationship altogether. That person no longer had control of my thoughts.

If you have fallen among the thorns, trust in God. He will remove them and help you to grow and thrive in the safety of His love.

Have a great day!