The Fight For Freedom

The law came along to multiply the trespass. But where sin multiplied, grace multiplied even more so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace will reign through righteousness, resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
What should we say then? Should we continue in sin so that grace may multiply?
Absolutely not! How can we who died to sin still live in it?     Romans 5:20-6:2 HCSB

In our Scripture passage Paul is explaining that just because God’s grace abounds when we sin, it doesn’t mean we should go on sinning just to receive God’s grace. We are told in Hebrews 10:26 if we continue sinning after knowing the truth there no longer remains a sacrifice for our sins but just a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire about to consume the adversaries.

Today we celebrate our Independence. We celebrate the freedom many died for us to enjoy. But my friend if we want to be truly free, we must die to sin. We must give our all to Jesus Christ. We must become soldiers in God’s army. We must fight for our freedom. The devil wants to steal our freedom along with our peace and joy.

I wish I could tell you that when you surrender your life to Christ the fight is over, but my friend it is just beginning. As long as the devil has you where he wants you, there is no need for him to cause you trouble. But when you give your life to Christ, the devil wants you back. But that’s okay because when we surrender to Christ, He’s got our back.

First, I want you to ask yourself if you are truly free? Have you surrendered to Christ? Are you allowing Him to fight your battles for you? Are you trusting Him to judge your enemies and handle vengeance for you?

We have come to confuse freedom in this country for the freedom to sin and do things that God finds detestable. We glorify things that the Bible clearly tells us is an abomination to God. We put sin and sinners up on a pedestal and praise them for being open and honest about their sin. We are told in Ephesians 5:6 not to let anyone deceive us with empty arguments because God’s wrath is coming on those who are disobedient.  Paul goes on in Ephesians 5 to tell us to walk as children of the light in order to produce goodness, righteousness, and truth so we can discern what is pleasing to the Lord. He warns us against participating in the works of darkness but tells us to expose them.

My friend we often hear it said that freedom is not free and nothing worth having comes easily. Our life with Christ is no different. Jesus Christ died a horrible, humiliating death on that cross to save miserable sinners like you and me. We must die to our sin. We must surrender to Him in order to be truly free from the bondage of sin which leads to death.

If you are not free, it’s not too late. James 4:8 says we can draw near to Him, and He will draw near to us.  We do this through prayer and Bible study. Trust in Him today. You will never be free if you are unwilling to let go of your sin. You will be a slave to Satan. Trust in God today. Turn to Him. Surrender your life to Him and be truly free. Know that He will fight for your freedom. He provides all the armor you need (Ephesians 6:10-18). All you have to do is suit up, stand firm and watch Him deliver you. You have no need to fear for God is with you (2 Chronicles 20:17).

Have a wonderful Independence Day!