What’s It To You?

This, then, is the judgment: The light has come into the world and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil. For everyone who practices wicked things hates the light and avoids it, so that his deeds may not be exposed. But anyone who lives by the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be shown to be accomplished by God.      John 3:19-21 HCSB

If I asked you if you were a Christian, how would you respond? If you responded yes or no and I asked what you mean by that or what that means to you, how would you respond? I’m asking these questions because we live in a world where people feel their opinions and their life choices should mean a great deal to all those around them. People are bold and prideful in their sin.

Well, my lifestyle is that of a Christian or at least I strive for it to be. I am definitely a work in progress. So, I ask you today, what’s it to you? There was a time in my life when I was anything but bold when it came to my Christianity. There were two reasons for that. The first being I was afraid of what others would think. I have had to apologize and beg God’s forgiveness for that one because we are clearly told in Matthew 10:33 that whoever denies Christ before men, Christ will deny before our heavenly Father. I don’t want Christ to deny me. That would mean messing my eternal life up and I don’t want to do that.

Secondly, I wasn’t living like I should. I loved the Lord, but I was not trusting in Him, and I definitely was not obeying Him. It would have been hypocritical for me to try to lead anyone to Him. My lifestyle did not reflect a great love for Christ, so how could I ask others to come to Him?

There came a time in my life when I realized it was Christ alone, I needed. I realized if I could only trust in Him and allow Him to guide me, this mess I had made could become my message. When I realized this, I changed my way of life. I dedicated my life to Him, and I haven’t looked back.  Now I can encourage others to do the same. I want to see others have the peace and joy that can only come from a close relationship with our Lord and Savior.

Now I want to ask, what’s it to you? If I came to you and asked you to turn to Christ would that annoy you or would that make you want to hear more?

We live in a world where we are having things that are an abomination to Christ shoved down our throats. Let me say I don’t stand in judgment of how anyone chooses to live their life. If the Bible condemns it, that’s between them and God. But I do want everyone to have the peace and joy I have found in Jesus Christ. I do want everyone to come to know Him and His great love for us. It’s no skin off my back if you choose to ignore Christ. I will not suffer for your actions. But I am commanded to go forth and make disciples (Matthew 28:19). I will answer for not at least trying to tell you about this great love that we have in Christ. I am commanded to love you, not your sin, but you.

Now you may ask what’s it to me if you choose to reject Christ? It’s sadness because when we reject Christ, we accept the devil. This means we will allow ourselves to be used by the devil and guided by evil. To me that means we can’t hang out together. We can’t fellowship. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 tells me to avoid every kind of evil. 2 Timothy 3:5 tells us that in the end times people will hold to a form of godliness but will deny its power and explicitly says to avoid these people.

Our Scripture passage tells us if we love the Lord, we will go to His light and let Him guide our lives. It also tells us wickedness loves darkness in an attempt to conceal evil deeds. But we are clearly told in Luke 12:2-3 what is done in the dark will come to light.

It’s nothing to you if I choose Christ. If you reject Him, I will pray for you while there is still hope. I pray you will see what my Christianity means to me and want some of that.

Have a great weekend!