I Know Where My Help Comes From

I lift my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth, He will not allow your foot to slip; Your protector will not slumber.     Psalm 121:1-2 HCSB

I will admit there are still times I become fearful. There are still times I can feel that panic button about to explode. The devil does his best to convince me that it’s hopeless. But I am happy to say these times are fewer and farther between than they used to be. Why? Because I know where my help comes from. I know my help comes from the Lord. It gives me great comfort to know that the Maker of heaven and earth takes time to listen to my prayers. It helps to know that He’s got me and he’s holding me up by His righteous hand (Isaiah 41:10). I have no need to fear. He does not sleep; I am protected 24/7.

You may have the best security system or team that money can buy. You may have an awesome staff at your beckon call to help with whatever you need. But, my friend, if you are without God, you have no help and you have no security. Mere mortals cannot provide the kind of protection and help that God can provide. They are susceptible to illness, a lapse in judgment and human error. But we serve a God that makes no mistakes.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and feeling like you need a little help, look up. God is there. He is waiting for your call. He wants you to enter into a loving relationship with Him. He wants you to surrender to Him and allow Him to take good care of you. What are you waiting for?

Haven’t you had enough fear and anxiety to last you a lifetime? There was a time in my life where I was going through some hard times. I am so grateful I was taught from an early age where my help comes from. I have always known I could turn to Him. But for many years I resisted that whole surrender thing. I couldn’t bring myself to submit to Him. After I got back into going to church regularly and studying my Bible, I realized I had reached a point where I could no longer do it on my own. I cried out to Him for help. I surrendered it all to Him. It had become way too much for me. He took control and worked it out.

My life is not perfect, I know we won’t see perfection until we are in heaven with Him. But now when I begin to feel a twinge of fear or anxiety it doesn’t last long. I know where my help comes from.

Turn to Him today and know where your help comes from. Feel the peace and joy that comes from the kind of protection only God can provide.

Have a great day!