Don’t Get Turned Around

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 HCSB

We’ve all been in a situation at some point in our lives where we were headed the wrong way. Perhaps you missed a turn or took a wrong turn. We’ve probably all seen the football player that ran a touchdown through the other team’s goal line or the basketball player that shot a great shot through the other team’s basket. This happens when we lose our sense of direction.

Many years ago, my beagle dug out of our yard and wandered into the woods after dark. I went in after him following the sound of his howling. I knew I wasn’t far from him; I could hear him rooting with his nose to the ground. I could hear the rustle of the brush as he walked through it. These woods are very dense, and it was a dark night. I had brought a small flashlight. There were spots too thick to walk through where I had to crawl. It took me about an hour and a half to get close enough to get my hands on him to try to lead him back home. There was just one problem. As we reached a tiny clearing, and I was able to stand and look around only to find it all looked the same. I have a good sense of direction, but he had doubled back a couple of times and veered off a bit. I didn’t know which way to go. I didn’t have a compass with me. I knew I needed to go east to get home. I also knew I had gone deep into these woods. I thought about the way I had traveled and did my best to remember and try to walk back that way hoping I was right. I prayed that I would go the right way. I walked until I saw a light. The light was small, and I was guessing it was a porch light. I just continued to walk toward the light like they told little Carol Ann to do in the movie Poltergeist. I had a 30-pound beagle in tow. I finally came to a clearing and realized that I had traveled south and made it to a field in front of my sister’s house. Finally, I knew where I was and how to get home.

A life of sin is a lot like that. We see the sin and it is something we want in our lives and something we want to take great care of. We follow it into situations where we know we shouldn’t go. Before we know it, we are turned around and tangled up. We get in the middle of a mess and everywhere we turn it all looks the same. We want to come out of it, but we have lost our way. We’ve gotten turned around. Our Scripture passage tells us the way to get home. It’s Jesus and only Jesus. We must seek Him with our whole heart and go toward Him. He is our light that will guide us safely home.

My friend if your life of sin has gotten you turned around and you don’t know which way to go, turn to Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 says we are not to lean on our own understanding. After all that’s what gets us in such a mess to start with. It goes on to say we are to acknowledge Him in all our ways. God will never lead us astray. Then it says He will guide us on the right paths.

Don’t get turned around, turn to Him. Trust in Him and He will bring you safely home.

Have a great day!