Draw Near

Therefore, submit to God. But resist the Devil and he will flee from you. Cleanse your hands sinners and purify your hearts double-minded people.     James 4:7-8 HCSB

With each and every day, the time of reaching our eternal destination draws nearer. Some may think of it with sadness, some with great joy and some may be oblivious. As the day draws near, are you drawing near? Have you submitted to God? Are you praying to Him continually and asking for Him to give you the strength you need to resist the devil?

Often, when we go through hard times we feel as though we have been abandoned by God. My friend, it’s not God who pulls away. We want to go into the world and do the things “everyone else” is doing. We want approval from human beings more than we want approval from God. Paul explained in Galatians 1:10 if he were seeking man’s approval, he could not be a servant of Christ. We must choose whom we will serve.

God is only a prayer away. But we must remember that our sin can block our prayers. We are told in Isaiah 59:2 that our sin creates a barrier between us and God so that He does not see our face or hear our prayers. Psalm 66:18 says, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, God will not hear me.” Here David is saying that by regarding iniquity we are cherishing our sin. We often get comfortable in our sin and don’t want to give it up. When we do this, God will not hear us. We will not hear God if we don’t draw near to Him through Bible study and prayer.

We must look within our hearts. What do you focus on? What do you value? How do you spend most of your time? How do you speak to others? If you knew you would leave this earth tomorrow is there anything you would change?

We must draw near to God. We must submit to Him. When we do this the devil will come against us. The devil will want us back on his side. But God will help us to resist the devil. He will help us to remove the intentional sin from our lives. He will help us to cleanse our hearts and purify our minds, but we must want His help and seek Him with our whole heart. We must draw near to Him. When we do, He will draw near to us.

It sounds so simple doesn’t it and truly it is. Just surrender to God, just draw near to Him. The devil will come against you when you do that, but God supplies all the armor you need (Ephesians 6:10-18). God will fight for you; you need only be still (Exodus 14:14). We are also told in Psalm 46:10 to be still and know that He is God and will be exalted among the nations and exalted on the earth. This means stop fighting, God will do the fighting for you. Trust in Him to take care of you.

Draw near to God. Love Him and trust Him and obey Him. Focus on Him and seek Him and his righteousness and He will provide all you need (Matthew 6:33).

As time draws near, draw near to Him. There’s no place else I’d rather be.

Have a great day!