Tactical Planning

Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. Resist him and be firm in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are being experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world.     1 Peter 5:8-9 HCSB

The difference in the definition of strategic planning and tactical planning is tactical planning refers to military or police maneuvers. But we live in a world today where we must have a strategy. We must have a plan and be prepared.

Our small town has always been considered a fairly safe place to live. The local university has been one of the safest areas of town. But we are seeing a rise in violent crime even in the safest areas. Living in this world today requires strategic planning. We must have a tactical plan.

The first part of strategic or tactical planning is to be observant of your surroundings. Peter warns us in our Scripture passage for today we must be serious minded and alert. We must pay attention.

The Bible has a good strategic or tactical plan all laid out for us. First, we must be alert. Some versions say be sober. Many people like to argue that it’s okay to drink. I’m not going to argue about it I’m just saying that as a law enforcement officer I would never have drunk on the job. I needed to have my wits about me. I needed to be sober. As a Christian we are on the job 24/7. We can’t afford to not be sober and alert. The devil is always laying in the gap for us. A criminal looks for a target that appears to be vulnerable. They are looking for easy prey. And so does the devil. As Christians we become easy prey when we are not sober and alert.

Paul speaks of God’s armor in Ephesians 6:10-18. Ephesians 6:11 says to put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the devil. The first piece of armor is truth like a belt around our waist. My friend the area around your waist is an area that is very vulnerable. Guard yourself with truth.

Paul then mentions righteousness like a breast plate of armor. A bullet proof vest is designed to protect the vital organs like the heart and the lungs. We must do what is right and be in a right relationship with God to protect ourselves from being fatally wounded.

He then mentions having our feet sandaled with readiness for the gospel of peace. The Roman Soldier wore sandals with spiked bottoms that could handle the rugged terrain. They helped the soldiers to stand firm against their enemies. We must be able to stand firm in the gospel.

Then there’s the shield of faith. You’ve got to have faith. This is the Lord’s battle, and you will only have victory if you trust in Him. Your faith shields you against the arrows the enemy throws your way. We are told in Psalm 91:4-5 that His faithfulness will be a protective shield. We need not fear the arrows that fly against us. Ephesians 6:16 tells us the shield of faith will extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one.

Paul then mentions the helmet of salvation. We all know how important a helmet is. This is God’s armor. For us to live under His protection, we must accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Psalm 91:1 says if we choose to live under the protection of the Most High, we will dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. We have to choose to live under God’s protection. He doesn’t force it on us.

Paul then mentions the Sword of the Spirit which is God’s word. My friend when the devil comes against you, draw your sword and don’t be afraid to swing it. I have learned that quoting Scripture can stop an evil person in their tracks. Try it you’ll be amazed at how well it works. But you’ve got to know it to quote it. This is why Bible study is so important. Using it in context is also important.

Paul sums up the section on Christian warfare by instructing us to pray at all times in the Spirit. Pray about everything and intercede for your fellow Christians.

As prices soar and crime rates rise, our only hope is found in Jesus. Trust in Him today. Be sober and alert and suit up in His armor.  Have a good tactical plan for your Christian life. Remember what Benjamin Franklin once said, “If we fail to plan, we plan to fail.”

Have a great day!