Don’t Let Your Friends Go To Hell

“But he told him, ‘If they don’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be persuaded if someone rises from the dead.’ ”     Luke 16:31

It’s interesting when you speak to people to see what they actually believe about an afterlife. Some believe there is no afterlife. Some believe we can just live as we want to live here with no eternal consequences. In the Bible Jesus clearly spoke of an afterlife in the story of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16:22-31. Jesus had just finished speaking to the Pharisees about their love of money when He tells them this story.

Lazarus was a poor man who died at the same time as the rich man. Lazarus went to heaven and the rich man went to hell. Verse 23 tells us the rich man was in torment and begged Abraham to allow Lazarus to bring a drop of water to him.  Abraham explained that the rich man had received good all his life, but Lazarus had received bad things. Now Lazarus was in comfort while the rich man was in agony. He went on to tell him there was a great chasm between Lazarus and him and the rich man which neither could cross. The rich man then asked Abraham to send Lazarus to his father’s house to warn his five brothers, so they won’t end up in the place of torment. In our Scripture passage Abraham tells him they had Moses and the prophets and if they refused to listen to them, they would not listen to a dead man.

Are you unsure about your salvation? Do you have friends and loved ones encouraging you to get into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? If you aren’t sure about your salvation, ask yourself these questions. Do you put God first in your life? Do you spend time with Him each and every day in prayer and Bible study? Do you serve Him by helping others? If you have someone who encourages you, listen to them before it’s too late.

Perhaps you are sure of your salvation. Maybe you have no doubt where you will spend eternity. Are you doing all you can to encourage others to join you? Are you willing to be a witness to others? What about those closest to you? Do you encourage them or sit silently while they walk the wide path that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13)? My friend, as our pastor often tells us, we are the only Bible some will ever read.

Revelation 21:4 tells us that we will shed no tears in heaven and there will be no grief, pain or sorrow. I believe that when we go to heaven God will wipe away the tears we shed for lost loved ones. I believe there will only be peace and joy. But while we are here our hearts should ache for those who are lost. We should do all we can to see to it that they come to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior. We should try to take as many people to heaven with us as we possibly can.

In Matthew 13:42-43 Jesus says, “The Son of Man will send out His angels and they will gather from His kingdom everything that causes sin and those guilty of lawlessness. They will throw them into a blazing furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father’s kingdom. Anyone who has ears should listen!”

Do you have loved ones who are lost? Do you shrug it off and say, “They won’t listen to me anyway.” My friend your heart should ache for those you love who do not have a personal relationship with their lord and savior. We are surrounded by people who are eating and drinking and spending their days and living it up oblivious to what lies ahead.

In Matthew 24:37 we are told the coming of the Son of Man will be like the days of Noah before the flood. Everyone was eating, drinking and marrying until the day Noah boarded the ark. Once that door was shut their fate was sealed. It was too late.

Don’t let your friends suffer if you can help it. Be a good witness to them through your words and your actions. Show them what a life lived for Christ looks like. Show them the way to salvation. But just as with saving a drowning man or helping someone with their oxygen mask on a plane, first be sure you are saved. Be secure in your salvation. Then show them the way before it’s too late.

Have a great day!