The Alleged Christian

You’ll recognize them by their fruit. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree produces good fruit, but a bad tree produces bad fruit.     Matthew 7:15-17 HCSB

In our country we believe that a person has allegedly committed a crime until they are proven guilty. But we have been taught to believe if it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck, right?

What I want to ask you is if you were accused of being a Jesus loving Christian would you be convicted? Would you be found guilty by a jury of your peers? Or would you walk? I dare not say walk free because those of us found to be guilty of being Christians are the ones who walk free. Those found innocent on that charge remain in bondage to sin and death.

Court cases are a lot different than they were when I first started out in law enforcement thanks to cameras and DNA evidence. Often times people are caught in the act on video committing crimes. Some are even foolish enough to film it themselves but that is a special kind of demon there. There is DNA evidence that can link a person to a crime. These are things that are strong, beyond a reasonable doubt kind of evidence. Witness testimony can be flawed or prejudicial. Circumstantial evidence no matter how good is just that-circumstantial.

Our Scripture passage says you will recognize them by their fruit. Who is Jesus referring to here? He’s referring to false prophets. Our former pastor used to often say, we are not to judge others, but we are called to inspect the fruit. Matthew 7:1-2 tells us not to judge so that we won’t be judged. For with the judgment we use and with the measure we use, the same judgment will be measured to us. Then down in verse 16 we are told to beware of false prophets. Jesus goes on in verse 21 to say not all of those professing to be Christians will enter the kingdom of heaven only those who do the will of the Father in heaven.

This is how we inspect the fruit. This is how we determine if someone is actually guilty of Christianity. We determine if they do the will of the Father. Do they love the Lord with all their heart? Do they show love for others? Do they exhibit the fruit of the Spirit which is love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control? Or, do they exhibit the works of the flesh which are sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar?

A person can’t be sort of guilty of being a Christian any more than they can be sort of guilty of murder or rape. Either you are guilty, or you are innocent. Which would you be? The guilty person will throw up all kinds of smoke screens to try to make others think they are innocent. Alleged Christians want others to think they are guilty of Christianity when they are anything but.

I don’t ever want to be guilty of criminal activity because I don’t ever want to find myself incarcerated. I do, however, want to be found guilty of being a Christian. I lived many years of my life as an alleged Christian. I called myself a Christian and tried to convince my friends and family members and fellow church members it was all good. But my fruit was bad. I was not loving the Lord with my whole heart. I put my own selfish desires before Him. I had bitterness and unforgiveness in my life. I thought God would overlook it but He wouldn’t.

When I got back into church on a regular basis and into Sunday School and began to study God’s word and pray, I was convicted. God convicted me of all my wrongdoing. He taught me that it wasn’t “everyone else” that needed to change, it was me. I earnestly repented of my sins and asked Him to send His Holy Spirit to live inside of me and guide me. It was a decision that I have never regretted. I was pronounced guilty. I have been sentenced to live the rest of my life loving and serving Jesus Christ. I have been sentenced to an eternity in heaven. Hallelujah!

What about you, my friend? Are you an alleged Christian or have you been convicted? It’s not too late, turn to Him today. Be found guilty and sentenced to a life with Him.

Have a great day!