Only God Knows Why

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways and He will guide you on the right paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 HCSB

This is one of my favorite verses. But I must admit living it out is not always easy to do. As human beings our understanding is limited. God is all knowing. Isaiah 55:9 tells us that God’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. There is no limit to His wisdom or understanding. We gain wisdom from God. James 1:5 tells us that if anyone lacks wisdom, they can ask God and receive wisdom for God gives wisdom generously and without being criticized.

But there will always be things in this world that we simply won’t understand. I like to think that maybe when I get to heaven some of the things I don’t understand will be made known to me, but I’m not sure if that’s the case. But one thing I do know is that God loves me. I also know that God wants what is best for me. I have learned this the hard way.

As humans we are curious some of us are just downright nosy. We like to know what is going on. We want to understand why a young mother had to die or why that teenager was taken away at such an early age. We want to know why God tells us no or leaves prayers unanswered. We want to know why His timing is so much slower than our timing. In many cases we never know why. But we can be assured that He has a reason for it. We can trust in Him with all our heart.

Our Scripture passage tells us not to rely on our own understanding. I am a poster child for what can go wrong when we do this. Many times I have forged ahead with my own plans without consulting God. Many times I have made a big mess. But praise God, He doesn’t leave me or forsake me. He’s there to help me. He is there to help turn that mess into my message. Acknowledging God in all we do helps us to make less messes in our lives. I look back on many times when I not only didn’t acknowledge God, but I ignored His warnings. If only I could go back to then knowing what I know now.

It took me many years and many huge mistakes to understand that there are two ways for me to do things, God’s way and the wrong way. Doing things my way just makes a mess of things.

Our Scripture passage is often hard to live out because of our lack faith. We find it hard to put all our trust in God. We don’t like to give up control, but that’s what it takes for us to surrender control to God. We must give it all over to Him. We must trust in Him with all our heart, even when it doesn’t make sense to us. Our understanding can be faulty at times. We must trust in Him. We must consider Him in all we do. When we do this He guides us on the right paths.

If there are things happening in your life that you don’t understand, that’s okay. Give it to God. He not only understands, but He has a good plan for you. You may have to suffer a little while but if you love Him and do what He has called you to do He will work it all out for your good (Romans 8:28)

Only God knows why things happen the way they do so shouldn’t we trust in the One who knows why? Shouldn’t we always acknowledge God in all we do since His wisdom is infinite? My friend if you haven’t given it all over to God you are fighting a losing battle. I got tired of fighting about 12 years ago. I decided to give it to God. There are many things that have happened since then which I have no idea why they happened. But I do know God had a good reason for them. I also know the trials and tribulations He has put me through has strengthened my faith in Him. It’s made it easier for me to trust Him when I don’t understand why something is happening in my life.

Turn to Him today. If you are having trouble trusting in Him, ask Him to increase your faith. Pray for wisdom and discernment. He won’t let you down.

Have a great day!