As Time Draws Near

Then He said to them, “My soul is swallowed up in sorrow-to the point of death. Remain here and stay awake with Me.”     Matthew 26:38 HCSB

Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, and John 18 provide the account of the Thursday before Jesus’ crucifixion on Friday. Jesus begins by telling His disciples to go and look for a man carrying water. They were to follow this man into the house he entered and tell Him that the Teacher had sent them and ask where the guest room is that they may eat the Passover meal. This man would be easy to spot because carrying pitchers of water was a female task. They did as Jesus instructed and found the house and the guest room and prepared the Passover (Matthew 26:7-13)

During the Passover meal, Jesus explained the new covenant and had the first Lord’s Supper with them. He explained that His blood would be shed, and He would be the atonement for sins. He let them know that there is one among them who will betray Him. They began to discuss this which led to an argument about which among them is greatest. He explains that the greatest will become like the youngest and the one who is leader will become the servant. He then predicts to Peter that he will deny Him three times before the cock crows. (Matthew 26:14-34)

Jesus had previously instructed them to travel lightly and depend upon hospitality, but in verses 35-38 He encourages them to buy a sword. They would now need to provide for themselves and protect themselves. He knows they will be facing persecution in the days ahead.

As Jesus is in His final hours before His crucifixion in John 17, He prays an intercessory prayer for Himself and believers that would form the new church. In this prayer He prays for His own glorification in vs. 1 and 5. He prays for protection for believers in v. 11. He prays for the sanctification of believers in v. 17 and for the unity of believers in vs. 21-23. In v. 24, He prays for the ultimate glorification of believers which refers to being with Him in eternity. I mentioned this prayer because I think it is important for us to see that Jesus was heavy hearted. He was overwhelmed, but He still took time to pray to God the Father on our behalf.

After praying this prayer according to the gospel of John, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane. It was here where he prayed for God to let this cup pass from Him if it be God’s will. He told His disciples to keep watch and stay alert, but three times they fell asleep. It was here He told them that the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Something we could apply to our lives today (Matthew 26:36-45).

As Jesus finishes praying Judas shows up with the Roman Soldiers to betray Jesus and earn his 30 pieces of silver. The soldiers seized Jesus. Peter, who had obviously heeded Jesus’ warning about getting a sword, drew it and cut off the ear of a Roman soldier. Jesus rebuked him and replaced the soldier’s ear, saying those who take up the sword die by the sword. Jesus told Peter He could call a very large number of angels (12 legions would have been between 36,000 and 72,000) to save Him, but He did not because the Scriptures must be fulfilled. Jesus had prayed for this cup to pass over Him, but He knew it was God’s will for Him to submit to death on the cross.

This gives us a look into Jesus’ last day before the crucifixion. We know Jesus did not want to be crucified. In Matthew 26:37 we are told that he was sorrowful and deeply distressed. But in John 17, as we read Jesus’ prayer, we see that Jesus put us first. He surrendered to the Roman authorities. He endured a false arrest, a kangaroo court, mockery, beatings and the crucifixion for miserable sinners like you and me. All so that we may have salvation and have an opportunity to spend eternity in heaven with our Lord and Savior.

In Luke 22:40, He tells them to pray that they may not enter into temptation. We are told that an angel came to strengthen Jesus as He prayed (Luke 22:43). We must be alert and pray daily that we do not fall into temptation.

Jesus is still calling us today to stay alert and remain with Him. He calls us to pray so that we may not enter into temptation. He put us first. Are you willing to put Him first? Are you willing to surrender to God’s will for your life? These are questions we must answer before it’s too late. He died for you are you willing to live for Him?

We must be certain of where we will spend eternity as our time draws near.

Have a great day!