Mind Your Own Business

About brotherly love:  You don’t need me to write you because you yourselves are taught by God to love one another. In fact, you are doing this toward all the brothers in the entire region of Macedonia. But we encourage you brothers, to do so even more., to seek to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands as we commanded you, so that you may walk properly in the presence of outsiders and not be dependent on anyone.     1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 HCSB

In this Scripture passage, Paul is writing to the church in Thessalonica. In verses 1-8 he calls the believers to sanctification. As believers we are to be set apart. We are to look differently, act differently and talk differently than the rest of the world. In Romans 12:2 Paul tells us not to be conformed to this age but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds so that we will be able to discern what is the good, pleasing and perfect will of God. After he calls them to be set apart, he talks to them about loving others and working. Both of these are important. The Bible has a lot to say about laziness and idle hands, but we will discuss that another time. Now where we get into trouble often times is when we are not working, and we have too much idle time on our hands. My grandma always told me that idle hands were the devil’s workplace.

I’m not pointing fingers today.  I’m just talking to myself and typing it out in case someone else is having the same problems. I sometimes find myself getting all tangled up in things that are truly none of my concern. Maybe it’s the law enforcement/counselor in me, but people frequently come to me with their problems. I don’t mind, it’s in my nature to help if I can. Of course, it’s unethical for a counselor to counsel someone they know or with whom they have any type of relationship. But as a friend or relative, I listen and try to help when possible.

Now, since I have dedicated my life to the Lord, I can honestly say I lead a much quieter life. I no longer get entangled in the drama create. I may listen quietly. I may even offer advice, but I try to stay out of the drama. With social media today it’s difficult to mind your own business. This is because so many others post their business all over the internet for the world to see. We, however, must remember that it’s their business. It’s nothing for us to concern our pretty little heads about.

The business we are to be concerned with is God’s business. We are in a spiritual war my friend. The devil seeks to destroy us. He’s coming for our souls and the souls of our friends and loved ones. He wants to destroy our country. He wants control of our children. 1 Timothy 1-2 says, “Now the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will depart the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and the teachings of demons, through the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared.” We must be careful not to fall into the devil’s trap. His most powerful weapon against us is distraction. There is so much in the news media and social media that is designed to do nothing but distract us. Why? Because we want to know what everyone else is doing. And everyone else is usually happy to post it all. What does it matter? The only concern we should have with others is trying to be assured they are saved and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Aside from that, the rest is their business, it’s none of our concern.

As Christians we are called to live godly lives. We are called to set a good example for others. Our Scripture passages says we are to walk properly in the presence of outsiders. We are to set a good example for those who are not Christians. We simply cannot do this if we are entangled in what everyone else is doing or what they are saying or who they are supporting.

I am blessed to have social media friends that post positive things about God and their family. I try to avoid the negativity that is found on social media. These are people trying to draw you into their drama, which is just where the devil wants you to be. He wants us to be distracted by all these things that are really none of our concern, so we have less time to devote to Jesus. Be careful not to let that happen. Concern yourself with what Jesus is doing for you and what you are doing for him. That’s really the only business we need to be minding. He’s got the rest.

Have a great day!