Are You Holding On To Idols?

When Laban had gone to shear his sheep, Rachel stole her father’s household idols.     Genesis 31:19

This is from the historical narrative of Jacob and Rachel.

Jacob was a grandson to Abraham. God had promised Abraham that through Isaac, Jacob’s father, a great nation would be born. This promise was going to come through Jacob. Jacob loved Rachel, but was tricked into marrying her older sister Leah after working seven years for Rachel. After a week with Leah, he was allowed to marry Rachel and work another seven years for her. But Rachel was unable to conceive and have children. God finally blessed her with one son, Joseph.

God called Jacob to return to his homeland of Canaan. It had become obvious that God was with Jacob. God had greatly blessed him with flocks and livestock over the last 6 years. He had blessed him so much that Rachel’s brothers became jealous of him. It had become a point of contention between them and Jacob. He knew he must return home. God had called him to return home and told him that He would be with him (Genesis 31:3).

Jacob told his father in law that God was calling him home, but he denied Jacob’s request to take his wives, children, and flocks with him. Jacob worked another 6 years. He decided to flee from his father in law taking his wives, children and flocks.

God had blessed Jacob with wealth. Why would Rachel feel that she needed to steal an idol from her father’s house? Well, my study Bible lists three reasons. First, the idol she stole was a figurine of a goddess of fertility. Rachel had been unable to have children and may have felt she needed a little help from this false god. Secondly, whoever her father had given this idol to would inherit all he had. This was probably voided by the fact that he did not voluntarily give it. The third reason is Rachel is still dependent on her false god. She still isn’t trusting the one true God completely.

So, I ask you today are you trusting God completely or are you relying on an idol? You may say you don’t have any idols, but think about it. Do you trust God when you lose your job? Do you trust God when your bank account gets low? Do you trust God when your family turns against you or friends walk away? Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and not to lean on our own understanding. It says we should acknowledge Him in all our ways and he will make our paths straight. Do you do that?

Many of us say we trust Him, but then we put our trust in things like money and other people. Both of those can go away and forsake us, but God never will (Deuteronomy 31:6). Rachel had trouble conceiving children. At this time, she had given birth to one son, Joseph. Maybe she thought that God needed a little help from this false god. But we know that God doesn’t need any help. He’s got this.

Some of the biggest mistakes I have made in my life has come from me trusting in what I have idolized. I have made the mistake of not trusting in Him and His timing and taking matters into my own hands. I finally had to let go of all of these idols that I had been trusting in and put my trust in God. I had to trust Him with all my heart. I had to forget about what made sense to me and trust in His way of doing things. I had to look to Him for everything. I had to consult Him in all that I do.

I don’t always understand why God does what He does or doesn’t do what I want, but I have come to understand that He is God. His ways are higher than my ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). I have had to let go of the idols that I was clinging to and understand that they can do nothing for me. It’s all God and I have to trust Him with all I’ve got.

God tells us He is a jealous God (Exodus 20:5). He tells us that He will not tolerate us putting any gods before Him. He wants first place in our lives. We must let go of anything that is getting in the way of our serving Him.

My friend, I know from personal experience, if you put your trust in anything but God you are going to be disappointed. Trust in God and God alone today.

Have a great day!