The Last Place You’d Want To Be

Then Nebuchadnezzar was filled with rage, and the expression on his face changed toward Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He gave orders to heat the furnace seven times more than was customary, and he commanded some of the strong soldiers in his army to tie up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and throw them into the furnace of blazing fire.  Daniel 3:19-20 HCSB

Have you ever felt like you are in the last place you’d want to be? I have found myself in situations where I would like to be anywhere but there. I have been sick with the flu wishing I could be out enjoying the beautiful weather instead of lying in my bed miserable with body aches and fever.

There are times in our life when we find ourselves in places or situations where we just don’t want to be. This happened a number of times to people in the Bible, even those who loved the Lord with all their heart.

In our Scripture passage, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship Nebuchadnezzar’s gold statue. Nebuchadnezzar even called them to him and gave them a chance to worship his statue and avoid the furnace. But they refused. Did they refuse because they wanted to be thrown into the furnace? No, they refused because they worshiped the one true God and they refused to fall into idolatry by worshiping Nebuchadnezzar or his statue so they wound up being thrown into the furnace. This was probably the last place they wanted to be.

In Genesis, Joseph was thrown into a pit and sold to some Egyptians as a slave, this was probably the last place he wanted to be. But God found favor in him and made him in charge of his master’s household. His master’s wife lied on him, and he was thrown into prison, probably the last place he wanted to be.

In the book of Daniel in chapter 6 some of the men of Babylon conspired against him and had the king order that anyone caught praying to anyone other than the king would be thrown into the lion’s den. Daniel was a man who prayed each day. He didn’t hide it, he continued to pray to the one true God just as he had always done. This got him thrown into the lion’s den. This was probably the last place he wanted to be.

In 1 Samuel, David was a young shepherd boy. He was just a scrawny teenager who had gone to the battle lines to bring provisions to his brothers. He found himself facing a giant with just a sling shot and some stones. This is probably the last place he wanted to be.

Now in all these historical accounts these people came through their situations not only unharmed, but better off than they had been before. There is a common thread through the Old Testament. The Israelites were God’s chosen people, but they would mess up frequently and be taken captive by another country. But those who remained faithful to God were always placed in high positions and were taken care of very well.

No one wants to be taken captive, placed in a lion’s den, thrown into a fiery furnace, sold into slavery, falsely accused and thrown into prison, or find themselves facing a giant. As Christians, however, we will go through times of trial and tribulation, but the question is how we will come out? Those who kept the faith and stayed true to God fared well. What about you?

Are you somewhere in your life today that is the last place you ever wanted to be? Are you facing some difficult times? You need to understand that if you put your trust in God, He will be faithful to you. He will work all things out for your good and His glory just as he did with those mentioned and many others. We are told that four men walked in the flame. God was right there with them. We are told that God shut the lion’s mouth. He was with Daniel. He helped David slay Goliath. Even though Joseph faced some terrible times, God helped him to be placed in high positions. He would eventually become second in command in all of Egypt.

Whatever you are going through, know that He is right there with you. He is willing to help. All you have to do is ask and trust in Him. God can take your mess and make it your message. When the going gets tough turn to Him. Fight your battle on your knees and you will have victory through Him. Stay true to Him and He will be with you even in the last place you ever wanted to be.

Have a great day!