So, You Had A Bad Day

One day when Job’s sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their oldest brother’s house, a messenger came to Job and reported: “While the oxen were plowing and the donkeys grazing nearby, the Sabeans swooped down and took them away. They struck down the servants with the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell you!
He was still speaking when another messenger reported: “A lightning storm struck from heaven. It burned up the sheep and the servants and devoured them and I alone have escaped to tell you!”
That messenger was still speaking, when yet another came and reported: “The Chaldeans formed three bands, made a raid on the camels and took them away. They struck down the servants with a sword, and I alone have escaped to tell you!”     Job 1:13-17 HCSB

Now in a matter of minutes Job has found out that he has lost his oxen, donkeys, sheep and camels along with his servants. But there’s more. As this last messenger is still speaking, yet another messenger comes in to tell him that a powerful wind swept in from the desert, struck the four corners of his oldest son’s house, the house collapsed and all of Job’s sons and daughters died in the house.

I’m not trying to minimalize anyone’s suffering, but I want you to think about Job for a minute. He lost everything in a matter of minutes. His response was to tear his robe and shave his head. These were signs of mourning. but then he fell to the ground and worshiped God. He praised God’s name. He did not sin or blame God for anything.

Next Job was inflicted with terrible boils from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. My friend, that’s a bad day. He has lost everything including his health. He goes from a judge that used to sit at the gates in a high position of authority to a social outcast because of these oozing sores all over his body.

As we read on through the book of Job, we see that God never explained to Job why he was suffering. His wife encouraged him to simply curse God and die. Some well-meaning friends were convinced that he had hidden sin in his life and needed to repent, but through it all Job remained steadfast. Job didn’t know why he was suffering, but he trusted that God was allowing it and God would ultimately take care of him. And God did just that. Job even prayed for his friends who were convinced that he had hidden sin. In chapter 42, God restored Job by restoring his prosperity and doubling his previous possessions (Job 42:10).

James 1:2-4 tells us to consider it great joy when we go through various trials because these trials produce endurance and endurance must do its complete work, so that we lack nothing. Trials make us mature Christians. James refers to Job in 5:11 and speaks of how Job endured, and how the Lord was compassionate and merciful to him.

Romans 8:28-29 tells us that all things work for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. For those He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers. Our suffering helps to make us more like Christ.

Job suffered and so did Jesus Christ. He died a horrible death on a cross to save sinners like you and me. In our suffering, we will either draw closer to Him or drift away.

Most of the time, we have no idea why we are suffering. It is hard to understand why good people must suffer.  But there was no better man to walk the face of the earth than Jesus Christ and he suffered a great deal.

I don’t know what you are going through today. I know that we all suffer at times. Ultimately it is how we endure that suffering that makes the difference. It will literally make us or break us. Don’t let your bad day get worse, turn to God and walk with Him through your trial and suffering. Allow Him to guide you through the fire and the flame. When we walk with Him, we will come through stronger.

Have a great day!