They’re Coming For Your Children

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is olde he will not depart from it.    Proverbs 22:6 ESV

Perhaps you think it’s not important to raise your children in church. Maybe you think it’s not important for you to raise your children with daily Bible reading and teaching them to pray. Well, you better think again.

Recently San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir posted a song in which they literally sang, “We’re coming for your children.” The lyrics spoke of indoctrinating your children to not only be tolerant of gay relationships, but to become gay themselves. After the backlash, they removed it, but I’m sure you can still find it on the internet if you want to check it out for yourself. Do you find this disturbing? If not, you can stop reading here.

But, if you find this disturbing, you need to know it’s not just the San Francisco Gay Men’s choir coming for your children.  If we don’t raise our children to be Christians, they will fall under the influence of the lost and they themselves will be lost. This means they will be fair game for all the demonic, evil influences of this world. Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” When you don’t provide your children with a good, solid foundation in Christ, they are easily conformed to the wicked ways of this world. They can’t be transformed by the renewing of their minds if there is no Christian foundation on which to renew them.

I thank God for each and every day Sunday that my mom got up early and struggled to get me to Sunday School and church. I thank God for the fact that she saw to it that I was in church on Sunday night and Wednesday night as well.  There were many times when I didn’t want to go, but it was not optional in my home. I strayed as I got older, but I found my way back. I shudder to think what it would have been like if I had been unable to find my way back to God. You can’t find your way back to somewhere you’ve never been before. Think about it.

We all want our children to be smart, but true wisdom comes from God. It is more important for your children to be wise so that they can make wise decisions. If I were to tell you that there is a good chance that your child will be selfish, stingy, prideful, blasphemous, disobedient, unholy, unloving, ungrateful, irreconcilable, a slanderer, with no self-control, brutal, without love for what is good, a traitor, reckless, a lover of pleasure, and will do no more than act godly because they will deny God’s power, how would you like that? No one wants their child to fail or to be an evil person, but we are told in 2 Timothy 3 that in the end times it will be difficult because of the lost people out there. They will be behaving as lost people. This is just what lost people do. If you don’t think they will do their best to influence your child to be the same, you are sadly mistaken.

The devil is coming for your children, but God can keep them safe from the devil. They will have to learn to suit up in God’s armor (Ephesians 6:10-18). They will have to learn to reside in God’s protective shelter (Psalm 91:1-2). They will have to learn to acknowledge God in all that they do (Proverbs 3:5-6). Who will teach them to do this, if not you? It would also help to have the support of a loving church family.

If you don’t believe that they are coming for your children, you are kidding yourself. The only question left to answer is what will you do about it? Will you start today to give your children a good solid, foundation in Christ or will you leave them vulnerable and unprotected? I pray that you choose wisely.

Have a great day!