A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as much as he loved himself. Then Jonathan removed the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his military tunic, his sword, his bow, and his belt.
1 Samuel 18:3-4 HCSB

The old saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed” refers to those friends who are there for you in times of trouble. We live in a world where we collect “friends” like souvenirs on social media. The term friend is used loosely to include anyone with whom we have any type of association. If you were to comb through your life of so-called friends and followers, how many would fit into that “friend in need” category?

The interesting thing I have noted and experienced firsthand is that unsaved people enter into relationships with other unsaved people. Because they are unsaved, their first concern is themselves. Therefore, these relationships often fail because each party’s biggest concern is for themselves.

You may have experienced this with friends or members of your family. But true friendship between Christians is a beautiful thing to behold. Since I have dedicated my life to Christ, He has blessed me with good Christian friends. He was also working on some of my true friends as He was working on me, and we committed ourselves to Christ around the same time. This has only enriched our friendships. It’s neat how that works isn’t it?

The story of David and Jonathan is a beautiful historical account of true friendship. David and Jonathan made a commitment to each other shortly after David killed Goliath. It was then that Saul wanted David to come and live with him at the palace. Jonathan loved David and made a covenant with him. In verse four we are told that Jonathan removed his robe, military tunic, sword, and bow and gave it to David. This selfless act proved that Jonathan was a true friend and put God’s will above his own desires. Jonathan’s father Saul was king at that time and Jonathan knew that God had anointed David to be Saul’s successor to the throne. There was never a hint of jealousy in their relationship. There were never cross words between them just a brotherly love and devotion. They were united in their love for the Lord and their devotion to each other.

Before I rededicated my life to Christ, one of the things that concerned me was losing some of my friends. But I can assure you the friendships that God has blessed me with, both old and new since that time have brought so much peace and joy into my life. It’s good to know that I have plenty of prayer warriors to assist me in times of trouble. It’s good to know that I can have open and honest conversations with others where there is no jealousy or strife. It’s also good to know that I have dear friends that I can study the Bible with and gain knowledge from them.

Sadly, throughout our lives we often tend to waste our time with superficial relationships. We will have people that pretend to care about us but only care about what we can give or do for them. We may even find that we go out of our way to help them, and they are nowhere to be found when we have a need. As Christians we are called to love everyone, but we must also have discernment. When we commit ourselves to Christ there may be friends that don’t understand and certainly don’t approve. You may be called a holy roller or a Jesus freak or whatever derogatory term they choose but stand firm

I try my best to love everyone even my enemies and to pray for those who persecute me. But it’s much easier to come through these hard times with good, Christian friends. Most of these friends I met through church. I guess this is why I am always encouraging others to go to church because I know what it does for me. I know of the peace, joy, and encouragement I get when I go there. For so many years I thought just going every now and then was okay. But not anymore. I am eager to go and spend time with my church family and friends.

If you find yourself with just a bunch of so-called friends, turn to God. Trust in Him. Get involved in a good, bible teaching church. Put God first in your life and He will guide you into the right relationships just as He brought David and Jonathan together.

Have a great day!