There Is No Substitute

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” 
John 14:6 HCSB

We live in a world of substitutes. If you are trying to cut back on sugar, you can find all kinds of items that contain a sugar substitute. Does it taste exactly like sugar? No, not really. There are people that substitute for those that cannot do their jobs such as substitute teachers and bus drivers. Stunt doubles substitute for actors.

We have also learned all kinds of shortcuts to do things. The world of technology helps us to do many things much faster and easier than before.

This Scripture passage is during the Passover meal that Jesus shared with His disciples. He has washed their feet and explained the meaning of this to them. He has predicted Judas’ betrayal and Peter’s denial and now He is trying to prepare them for His departure from them. He lets them know He will prepare a place for them and come back to receive them to Himself. He tells them that they know the way to where He is going. But Thomas says they don’t even know where He is going, so how can they know the way?

This is where Jesus tells them He is the way. There is no substitute. If you want to get to heaven, you have to go through Jesus. He tells them that no one comes to the Father except through Him, the Son.

My friend, if you want to spend eternity in heaven and/or not spend eternity in hell, there is only one way and that is Jesus Christ. In order for us to escape eternal damnation and spending eternity in a fiery furnace, we must accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. We must give our lives over to Him. No one can stand in and do it for you. My pastor often says that God doesn’t have grandchildren, He has children. So no matter how good a Christian your parents are, you must choose salvation for yourself.

Your good works will not get your into heaven. Your good looks will not get you into heaven. No amount of money will get you into heaven. You can only spend eternity in heaven with God the Father by entering into a close relationship with God the Son or Jesus Christ.

You may say, “Well, I’m a good person.” You may be a great person, but without Christ, you will be a great person headed for hell. You may be friends with some really good Christian people, but this won’t save you. You may spend every Sunday sitting on a church pew. But, if you don’t have a good, solid relationship with Jesus Christ this will do you no good.

Jesus is trying to prepare the disciples for his departure. If we die and go to hell, the worst part won’t be the heat and constant torture. The worst part will be the total separation from Christ. We will be eternally separated from Him. This means we will be without hope or our situation will be hopeless.

If we don’t develop a relationship with Him, there may come a time when it is too late (Romans 1:24). We may find ourselves separated from Him eternally. If you don’t want this to happen, turn to Him today. Call on Him and draw near to Him. Trust in Him and confess your sins to Him. Earnestly repent and ask for His forgiveness. Ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit to help you to give up the deliberate sins in your life.

There is no substitute and no shortcut for getting to heaven. Jesus is the one and only way to get there. Trust in Him. Love Him with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind (Mark 12:30). It is a decision that I can assure you, you will never regret.

Have a great day!