Read It, Learn It, Live It

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV

Have you ever received a love letter? Chances are if you have, you have probably read it over and over. You may have even memorized what it said. When we are in love with someone and they take the time to write their feelings out and give it to us, it makes us feel special. It makes us feel loved.

Well, the Bible has often been described as God’s love letter to us. In it He teaches us what and what not to do. Our pastor often says that where we see “Thou shalt not” in the Bible is just a loving parent’s way of saying, “Don’t hurt yourself.” God gives us commandments for our own good, just as a loving parent disciplines a child for his or her own good.

But I want to ask you something, when is the last time you sat alone in a quiet place, free of distractions, and read your Bible? God speaks to us through His Holy word. If you are not reading your Bible and you think that God is speaking to you, you need to be very careful about that. Our ladies group at church is going through a study called, “God Doesn’t Whisper” by Jim Osman. It talks about how God speaks to us through His inerrant, infallible Word. So, I guess what I’m asking is are you listening? Do you make time to devote to Him each and every day? How would you feel if you poured your heart out to someone you love in a letter and they threw it in a drawer and never read it?

If you are reading your Bible every day my next question is, do you understand it? I know a number of people who believe that the King James Version is the only version we should be reading. Well, I can read the King James Version all day long and have no idea what it said. I might know now because I have been studying the Bible for a while. But when I began truly studying the Bible, I needed a version that I could clearly understand. There are some good versions out there for the beginner such as New King James, Holman Christian Standard, Christian Standard and English Standard to name a few. Be careful that you are using a version that explains, but does not distort God’s word.

Don’t just read the Bible to be able to say you read it, but study it. There are some very good study Bibles on the market today. They do a great job of explaining what is happening as you read the Scripture. It does you no good to read something and have no idea what you read, right?

Last question, do you live it? None of us live it 24/7 because we all sin. But, do you strive every day in every way to follow God’s instruction manual for daily living? Do you strive to imitate Christ in all that you do (Ephesians 5:1). Reading the instruction manual is very important. If you are like me, you may get a new something or other and it may look easy enough to assemble. But then you try and you make a mess. But, if you have a good instruction manual that explains every step clearly, and you take time to read it,  it’s much easier. I have lived my life that way. I tried for a long time to do it on my own and just hoped that God would bless what I was doing. But, that didn’t work. I had just made a mess. But once I turned it over to Him, He not only instructed me, but put it together for me.

I now strive to follow His instructions each and every day. I still fall short, but praise God, He sent His Son Jesus Christ to save me from my shortcomings. My friend if you are not spending time each day in God’s Holy Word and in prayer with Him, you have no idea what you are missing. No one on this planet loves you more than He does. Has anyone else sacrificed their only Son to save you (John 3:16)? I didn’t think so.

If you are trying to go it on your own, you are going to find it can be very frustrating. Let go and give it over to God. Trust in Him to take good care of you. You will not be disappointed. Don’t toss God’s love letter aside. Read it, learn it and live it every day.

Have a great day!