A Big Dose of Jesus

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  John 14:6 HCSB

I have a bag and a coffee mug given to me by a friend that says, ” All I need is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus.” That pretty much describes my morning routine.

When we look around the world we live in, we are hard pressed to find a whole lot of Jesus anywhere we look. There are even churches that are so far out there, they cannot really be called churches. False teachers are coming out of the woodwork.

People have unrepentant, deliberate sin in their lives thinking that it’s all good, God will just overlook it.

We have natural disasters occurring. COVID still rages on. People debate the COVID vaccine. This is not what I want to do this morning is debate the COVID vaccine. I am of the opinion that this should be someone’s personal choice. I believe if you feel that you need to be vaccinated and want to get the vaccine, then by all means do so. But, I feel that no one should be forced to get a vaccine if they don’t want it. Many people are willing to debate this at great length.

It makes me wonder how many people would sit and debate the value of having Jesus in their lives. We are quick to get our feathers ruffled when someone comes against our children, family members, lifestyle, jobs or just about anything else. But many of us sit there like a bump on a log when people come against Jesus. Jesus says in Matthew 12:30 that anyone who is not for Him is against Him. James 4:4 doesn’t candy coat it, he calls those out as adulterers who try to be in the world and in Christ simultaneously. It says, “Adulterers! Don’t you know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? So whoever wants to be the world’s friend becomes God’s enemy.”

God has always given man free will. Adam and Eve were free to sin and it brought corruption and judgment for the generations to follow. We are free to sin.

But the government seems to strongly oppose free will. It wants to control us. We saw pastors being arrested and churches being shut down, even while conducting services in their parking lots last year. In Canada several pastors have spent time in jail. With the vaccine, we are seeing many mandates being put in place by employers, business owners, and insurance companies who want to see everyone vaccinated.

The vaccine is supposed to protect those who take it from getting COVID-19. It has shown that it does not, but many believe it will give the person a much milder case which does not result in hospitalization.

Jesus is the only true salvation we have. In Him, even our death will result in eternal life with God the Father. It’s a win-win situation for us. But many refuse to take a good, healthy dose of Jesus. Many don’t choose to be filled by His Holy Spirit and get regular boosters by attending church, reading their Bible daily, and praying throughout their day.

I just want to say that I believe with all my heart if our leaders and the residents in this, once great, nation were as focused on Jesus as they were this virus and this vaccine that we would have a much better situation here.

Now you and me can’t change what our government does or says or believes. But we can change ourselves. We can get a big dose of Jesus for ourselves and get regular boosters to maintain His righteousness in our lives. We can be vaccinated against the evil that is in this world and know that even if it takes our lives, it will actually be giving us over to God to spend eternity with Him.

I’m willing to bet that in the past two weeks, you have debated something. I bet that you have gone to bat for someone or for a cause that you believe in. But, ask yourself, when is the last time that you stood up for Jesus? When is the last time that you refused to bend if it meant dishonoring Him?

Get yourself a big dose of Jesus if you want to be truly saved. Vow to live your life in a way that brings him glory, honor and praise.  A good solid dose of Jesus is the only thing that is guaranteed to protect us against the issues flooding our world today.

Have a great day!