Our Second Birthday

Jesus replied, “I assure you: Unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”  John 3:3 HCSB

Have you truly been born again? Many of us walk the aisle of our church, pray with the pastor, get baptized and are not truly saved. I said, “us”, because I count myself in that group. I was baptized at the age of 12, but I don’t remember much about it. I just remember “feeling” like it was time for me to be baptized. I “felt” like God was calling me to be baptized. I loved the Lord, my mom had me in church every time the doors were opened. So, it was a natural thing for me to do. But, could I tell you that I was saved at that moment? Well, honestly, no.

I loved the Lord, I did my best to obey Him, but let’s just say that I did some backsliding during my college days and then again in my thirties. Nothing horrible, I just simply wasn’t living for the Lord, I was living for me. I wasn’t putting Him first, I was putting me first.

When I realized that all this was bringing me was temporary happiness followed by periods of chaos, turmoil, and frustration I had to do something different. This is when I know I was truly born again. I can tell you without a doubt that my second birthdate is August 22,2010.

In our Scripture passage today, Jesus is speaking with Nicodemus. Nicodemus is a Jewish ruler who has come to Jesus in the night. He let Jesus know that he believed Jesus was from God, but there were things he didn’t understand. Jesus is explaining salvation to this Jewish ruler. We are saved by being born again. This doesn’t mean that we are physically born again. This means that we are spiritually born. Jesus explains to Nicodemus that unless we are born of the Spirit, we cannot enter the kingdom of God. This means if you want to get into heaven, you must experience a spiritual rebirth.

If I asked you if you remembered your physical birth, you would say, “No.” I don’t know of anyone that can actually remember being born. But, our spiritual birth is something that we should definitely remember. This is the day we were made new creatures in Christ. This is a day that should have been life changing. It should have changed our wants and the way we think and what we focus on.

Once I was born again, I no longer wanted to sin. It doesn’t mean that I am perfect and I don’t ever sin, it just means that I don’t want to. Our pastor often says that he sins more than he wants to because he wants to not sin at all. I went from being prideful to being humble. I humbled myself before Him. I realized that without Him I can do nothing (John 15:5). I want to live my life in a way that pleases Him. I’m not trying to figure out loopholes, or make excuses for my bad behavior. Instead, I confess it to Him. I repent and I receive His forgiveness.

I am still growing and still learning. I am a work in progress for sure. But, I am learning that it is He who fights my battles. I have learned that I can give it all to Him, or I can struggle to do it all on my own. God doesn’t play tug of war with me. I am learning that I must trust in Him in all that I do. I am learning that worrying changes nothing but prayer can change anything.

I don’t remember being born on September 13th. But I distinctly my rebirth on August 22nd. I remember becoming a new creature in Christ. I am still growing and learning, but praise God, He’s got me. He helps me every step of the way.

If you don’t know if you are truly saved, then ask yourself if there was ever a time in your life where you became that new creature in Christ? Was there ever a time in your life when you put Him first? Was there a time when you humbled yourself before Him and loved and trusted Him with all your heart? Then ask yourself, do you still?

We had no say so in our physical birth. But, we must choose a spiritual rebirth. If you are tired of being sick and tired, come to Him. Trust in Him. Be born again and be a new creature in Him. He won’t let you down.

By doing so, you’ll have two birthdays to celebrate. Turn to Christ before it’s too late.

Have a great day!