What We Value Most

For where your treasure is there your heart will be also.  Matthew 6:21 HCSB

I want you to seriously consider these next few questions and answer honestly.  What do you reach for when you first wake up? What is the last thing you look at before going to sleep? Is there anything that you just could not part with?

If many of us are honest we would answer all of these questions with the same answer, our smartphone.

We recently spent two weeks without power and I will admit that it was difficult. But about ten days after the storm we lost our internet and spent about 9 days without it.

The problem with internet is that it is necessary for our home phones, our televisions, all those little creature comforts to which we have become accustomed. I actually found myself in Walmart prepared to pay over 100.00 to purchase equipment for a mobile hotspot to carry us through until our internet services were restored. God saved me from myself since they were out of all such equipment. Apparently many other people had the same idea.

Now the next question is what do you use your internet for? The good thing about answering all these questions is that you can keep it to yourself, this is a self exam. We can use the internet to serve the Lord, or we can use it to serve ourselves. How do you use the internet?

There are millions of people in the world today who believe they could not live without the internet, but they believe they can live without Jesus. Some believe this because they have never had Jesus in their heart. They don’t understand that the turmoil and chaos they experience is just typical of a life where Jesus is not in control of it.

I was raised with Jesus in my life. I was taught the value of being in a good, solid relationship with Him. But for many years of my life, I did not treasure that relationship. I did not put a high value on it and I did not guard it and protect it. That led to turmoil and chaos in my life. I had gotten so out of touch that I couldn’t see where my problems came from. I couldn’t see that they came from an absence of Jesus. They were there because I had failed to surrender all parts of my life to Him, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Last weekend, we did our food pantry at church. I was still without internet when the day started. But as I talked to the people coming through the line, I began to realize that I was rich. I was so blessed by God. So many people lost their homes and everything in them along with their vehicles and all their possessions except the clothes on their backs. By the end of the day, I realized that not having internet wasn’t such a crisis. I will admit, I was thrilled to get TV back later that night, though.

Our scripture passage today tells us that where our treasure is our heart is also. What consumes most of your time and money? Think about that. I believe with all my heart Jesus will be coming back for us soon. Are you ready? Are you treasuring a good, solid relationship with Him? Are you doing your best to see that your loved ones are doing the same? Are you preparing your siblings, your children, and all the important people in your life to be ready for His return? Are you spending your time serving Him? Is your money going to further His kingdom?

A drowning man must first save himself before he can save someone else. This is a good time to look at where your treasure is. If it lies in anything other than your relationship with Jesus Christ, you better think about it. We are also going to have to answer for those failed opportunities to lead others to Christ. Be sure that your salvation is rock solid and also that your relationship with Jesus is as well. Do your best to lead others to Christ before it’s too late.

Are you treasuring time spent in his house each week in worship and praise? If you don’t like going into His house now, why would He think you’d want to live in His house for eternity. If Jesus isn’t front and center in your life, you might want to do some rearranging, just sayin’.

Have a great day!