Things We Take For Granted

Therefore since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us hold on to grace. By it, we may serve God acceptably, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.     Hebrews 12:28 HCSB

God’s unshakable kingdom is offered free to us. His grace is given freely, but so often we don’t accept it. We don’t take hold of it because we don’t understand it and we certainly don’t appreciate it. We often take God’s mercy and His grace for granted.

The thing is we take a lot of stuff for granted, especially here in America. Before Hurricane Ida wreaked devastation on southeast Louisiana, I too took a lot of things for granted. I took for granted the fact that I could whip into any gas station and get all the gas I needed. Yesterday I spent one hour in a gas line only to get about ten cars from the back to find out that they had sold out of gas. I then drove 20 minutes and sat in line for two hours as I was finally pulling into the station they report that they had just sold out.

I take for granted the fact that I have central air in my home and can get it cold enough to make me shiver. The summer heat in Louisiana is unbearable at times, well most times. Unfortunately we often get summer heat in the dead of winter. There’s a lot to be said for being able to adjust a thermostat to keep the temperature inside your home comfortable.

I take for granted that I am able to stock food in the freezer and have plenty to eat. I also still have water. Yesterday there were people waiting two hours to get two MRE’s and a couple bottles of water from FEMA.

Yesterday there were several times when I caught myself whining like the Israelites in the desert. I had to stop and thank God for what I did have. I had to stop and thank God for the fact that our family came out of this unharmed. I had to thank Him that my home is still intact.

When I worked in law enforcement, I saw the worst of the worst situations. I think it made me more appreciative of what  I had. But since I retired, I tend to forget that it could be so much worse. One thing I try to never forget is that God’s got this. Whatever kind of mess this is, He’s got it and He’s right beside us to walk us through it.

Yesterday I talked about seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things will be provided for us. Well, I am happy to report that I finally was able to get gas. God provided as He always does.

The devil will be using our dire conditions to take our focus off of God, but my friend it is now more important than ever that we keep our focus on Him. He will walk with us through the fire and the flood.

People ask why these things happen. Well, maybe they happen in order for God to shake us up a bit. When we get shook up, we are more apt to turn to Him. I bet God has heard from many people in the last three days that he hasn’t heard from in quite some time here in southeast Louisiana. Catastrophe tends to turn us toward the Lord. It’s when we are all shook up that we want to look upon something that is solid and unshakable.

One thing the Bible tells us for sure is that God’s kingdom cannot be shaken. When we focus on that, we can’t either. These are trying times for sure, but we need to remember a few things. First of all, remember Romans 8:28, God works all things, even bad things, for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. Also remember 1 Thessalonians 5:8, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

If you’ve survived a bad situation, you have one of two roads to take. I encourage you to take the narrow road and focus on Him. Keep walking, He’s got this and He’s right there beside you. Be thankful for what you do have and don’t take God’s love for granted.

We can take things like air-conditioning and gas for granted, but we should never take God’s love for granted. Put your faith in Him and love Him with all your heart no matter how bad things get. Remember that while the world may be shaken, His kingdom will never be shaken.

Have a great day!