Who’s In Charge?

The LORD said to Joshua, “Look, I have handed Jericho, its king, and its fighting men over to you. March around the city with all the men of war, circling the city one time. Do this for six days. Have seven priests carry seven ram’s-horn trumpets in front of the ark, but on the seventh day, march around the city seven times, while the priests blow trumpets. When there is a prolonged blast of the horn and you hear its sound, have all the people give a mighty shout. Then the city wall will collapse and the people will advance, each man straight ahead.”     Joshua 6:2-5 HCSB

Yesterday we talked about how the commander of the LORD’s army presented himself to Joshua. Joshua had probably been wondering how they would overtake Jericho. Its wall was not only some big pile of stones and mortar. It was a huge wall, big enough for Rahab’s house to be inside the wall. This massive wall surrounded the city and because they were anticipating the Israelites coming, they closed up the gates and did not allow anyone to come in or out.

But Joshua recognized that the commander of the LORD’s army would command them in this situation. The commander had a plan, but if you read our Scripture passage, the plan sounded a little odd to say the least. He tells them to march around the city for six days. Then he tells them on the seventh day to march around the city seven times while the priests blow their trumpet. Then on the prolonged blast they are to give a mighty shout and the city wall will collapse.

Now if this were us today, we would probably be considering some high tech explosives or huge tanks to take down these walls. But, the commander of the LORD’s army is telling Joshua, God’s got this, just do as He says. Now remember they were just told to step their foot into this raging river. They obeyed there and God dried the river up to allow them to walk safely to the other side while keeping dry.

In the very next verse, Joshua begins to command his people to do as the commander of the LORD’s army had said. This is because Joshua understood who was in charge. He knew from the beginning that God had to be the one calling the shots. He knew that God had their back.

When we fail to realize who is truly in charge, is when we have trouble. Churches close their doors when people try to take over. Our lives become chaotic messes when we try to run them or let other humans control them. We need to let God be in charge.

So, I ask you today, who is in charge? I can tell you from personal experience many of my best laid plans failed. I had good plans for my life and sometimes I consulted God and sometimes I did not. I can look back on those plans where I failed to consult God and I can tell you they did not work out so well. There were other times that I consulted God and found that my plans didn’t work so well, but found out years later that God had future plans for what I had gone through. His timing was just different than mine.

I have also been in churches where men or women get control over something and become prideful. They try to take over. If they are allowed to do so, that church is destined for trouble. God has to be the head of our church.

In our Sunday School we have begun to study the Answers in Genesis curriculum. We have studied Genesis 1-2 extensively and have just begun working on Genesis 3. We have studied the creation through and through and I can tell you that I can’t find anywhere in there where it says that man is in charge of God. God gave man dominion over the animals and told him to subdue or work the earth, but God is in charge. In Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve sinned, God executed judgment on them that would endure throughout the generations. God is in control.

If you are trying to be in charge and finding that you have made a mess of things, I can assure you that I’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt. If you are tired of being frustrated, turn to God. Give it all over to Him. Recognize his authority and power and surrender your life to Him. He may call you to do something that makes no sense to you. He may call you to do something that seems impossible, but whatever He calls you to do, do it. Trust in Him.

Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. If God is calling you to do something, just do it. Give control over to Him. Trust Him today. Surrender to Him.

Have a great day!