Eternal Life Insurance

When the righteous cry for help the Lord hears them and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.    Psalms 34:17-20 ESV

Many people in our area are dealing with insurance companies to try to restore their homes or cars to their original condition or perhaps replace them altogether. The interesting thing about insurance is that it’s a gamble. A friend once said that insurance is like betting the insurance company that you won’t have to file a claim while they are betting that you will. Neither us nor the insurance company knows what will happen in the future.

Cost of insurance is generally based on some sort of risk assessment. For example, if you race motorcycles, your insurance rates will probably be much higher than if you are an accountant.  In Biblical times, I would imagine that David would have paid a great deal for life insurance. He lived a risky lifestyle for sure. When we first met him, he was just a scrawny kid going up against a giant. He became a great warrior killing many Philistines. He was hunted by King Saul who wanted to kill him. During this time he fled to Nob. He speaks in Psalm 34 of how God has always delivered him in his times of trouble and this Psalm is referring to the passage in 1 Samuel 21 when David pretended to be insane in the presence of Abimilech to escape King Achish. God always had David’s back, He was always in good hands with God. God was always there for him, just like a good neighbor. We too can experience God’s salvation and deliverance in times of trouble.

As Christians, we have a wonderful insurance plan. It has been paid for by Jesus Christ. He paid the price on the cross to give us the insurance of eternal life. Christians don’t have life insurance, they have eternal life insurance. But there are perks that come with this insurance.

Your car insurance, for example, may include 24 hour roadside assistance. As Christians, we have 24 hour access to God through Jesus Christ, our intercessor. In Psalm 34, David speaks of how God takes care of the righteous. When we choose to follow Christ, He takes good care of us.

He can’t guarantee that we will not go through storms in this life, but He does guarantee us that He will be there with us. He guarantees that He will take good care of us. The price never goes up. All he asks is that we love Him with all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind and that we love others as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). He has paid the price for all our transgressions.

Are you adequately insured? Do you feel confident that no matter what you may face, God’s got this? Do you feel covered and protected from whatever mayhem may come your way? If you are in a good solid relationship with your Lord and Savior, you can know that you are protected no matter what comes your way. No matter how bad it is, the worst thing that can happen is that you can die and go to spend eternity with your heavenly Father. That’s also the best thing that can possibly happen, so as Christians we can’t lose.

Have a great day!