Are You Good?

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life and those who find it are few.
Matthew 7:13-14 ESV

I pulled this Scripture out for our devotional this morning, but Matthew 7 is a wealth of information and good advice for living the Christian life. I strongly encourage you to read the entire chapter which is only 30 verses long. Today I want to focus on verses 13-14.

If you were to just randomly ask 100 people if they knew for sure that they were saved and were going to heaven you would get various responses. Some may tell you they don’t believe in all of that. Some may tell you they were baptized when they were younger so they assume they are going to heaven. Some may tell you that they have an understanding with God. Some will tell you they are good. Some will tell you that they know beyond a doubt.

Today I want you to ask yourself this question and I want you to be totally honest with your answer. It’s just you and Jesus so there’s no need to lie. If you were to die right this second, or if the rapture would occur right this second, are you sure beyond a doubt that you would go to heaven? The next question is what makes you so sure? Have you inspected your own fruit lately?

In Matthew 7:12 Jesus talked about the golden rule, do unto others and you would have them do unto you. Do you live by that. Do you treat people the way you would like to be treated? Do you put Jesus first in your life? Do you live by those rules, putting Jesus first and treating others as you would like to be treated?

In Matthew 7:16 Jesus tells them that they can recognize false prophets by their fruit. We can also inspect our own fruit.I once had a woman tell me that she was offended when my friend posted something on Facebook about Hillsong. She said that they produced great fruit baptizing in huge numbers. Are they baptizing people or are they saving people, there’s a difference you know. You see people should be saved before they are baptized. The baptism is merely a public profession of their faith. So they are saved and begin to lead a different life before they are ever baptized. Salvation is evident by the fruit we produce.

My friend, it is important that you understand that we are not saved by baptism. We are saved by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). But there are many people walking around today that are essentially dead men walking. They once were baptized and so they believe they are good. They believe that they’ve got it all worked out. They are good to go. This is not the case.

Our salvation is just the beginning of our walk with the Lord. We must enter through that narrow gate, we must travel this difficult road. This is why I cringe when someone comes before the church to be baptized. I know that the devil is already working on them. He is already trying to talk them out of coming to church. He is trying to tell them that they’ve been baptized, they are good. Now they can do what they want. They bought the fire insurance.  As Christians, we must come alongside someone who is making a profession of faith. We must mentor them and prepare them for the difficult road ahead. We must make sure that they stay focused on Jesus. We must explain to them that they must put Him first in their lives because He is the only way to the Father (John 14:6).

When we are truly saved, it is evident. We grow just like a newborn baby grows. We grow in God’s word. We grow in service to the Lord. We grow in our faith. Those around us should see a change in our lives. They should see God’s love in our hearts (1 John 4:8). We want to gather and praise and worship the Lord.

I’ve noticed that there are people on this broad road because they think it’s easier and it makes them happy, but they are grumpy. There are people on the narrow road that have a peace which passes understanding (Philippians 4:7) and a joy in their heart that spreads to the smiles on their faces. In our former pastor’s last sermon, before he went to be with the Lord, he said that a grumpy Christian is an oxymoron.

Inspect your fruit (Matthew 7:15-20). Go through the narrow gate and stay on the narrow path that leads to life. Many people fill the church pews on Sunday that are headed straight to hell, don’t be one of them. Fill the church pew, Hebrews 10:25 tells us that we should not neglect to go to church, but know for sure that you are going to heaven to spend eternity in glory with God the Father.

Have a great day!