Are You Ashamed of Jesus?

So everyone who acknowledges me  before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven, but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.   Matthew 10:32-33 HCSB

This passage is written in red which means these are the words spoken by Jesus Christ. He doesn’t mince words here. He is not speaking in a parable or using symbolism. He simply says that whoever acknowledges Him before their fellow man, He will acknowledge them before His Father in heaven, but whoever denies Him, He will deny before His Father in heaven.

I spent many years of my life knowing that Jesus existed and believing in Him, but denying Him. I denied Him with some of the thoughts I had that should not have been in there.

I denied Him with my mouth by using words that should never have escaped my lips.

I denied Him with alcohol that should never have passed my lips. Now this is where some of you will say that the Bible does not condemn drinking only getting drunk and you are correct. But, I will tell you that there were times that I never intended to get drunk, but ended up overindulging. That one drink that I intended to have led to two or three more.

I denied Him in the way that I treated others. I was selfish and I put the needs of myself far above the needs of others. I didn’t put Him first I put me first.

I look back and wonder why I denied Him and the answer was simple, I was worried about what my friends might think. I was worried about what I might have to give up. I thought I was having so much fun. I was so wrong about all of that. I had a worldview or a temporary perspective on life. I was living in the here and now. I was living for today, not giving a thought to what my future would hold and not realizing that I was making a hard bed to lay in for eternity.

Eventually all that “fun” caught up with me and I became miserable with all the “fun” I was having. It wasn’t fun anymore. I had gotten into church and began to realize that Jesus was all I needed. I didn’t need anyone or anything else. I also eventually realized that once I accepted Him and committed my life to Him that He would take care of all I need. He would put people in my life that would be good for me. He would give me just the right spouse. He would help me to appreciate the Christian relatives and friends that had always been there for me. He would make it a relief to bid farewell to the lost associates that were trying to bring me down. He would give me an awesome church family that was there to support me in good times and bad times.

And the best thing about all of this is He’s not ashamed of me. I know that I grieved Him by the way that I was living. I came to Him when I was still filthy with all my sin. But through His blood, He washed me white as snow. He redeemed me and restored me and He is proud of me.

And I want everyone I encounter to know how awesome He is. I am no longer ashamed of Him. I no longer deny Him in any area of my life. When I don’t act as I should or say things I shouldn’t, His Holy Spirit convicts me so that I can get that straightened out.

I do my best to imitate Him (Ephesians 5:1). It’s no longer about me. It’s all about Him. Without Him, I could do nothing (John 15:4-5). But, I can do all things through Him because He gives me strength (Philippians 4:13).

I can assure you that there is not one thing in your life that is worth giving up Jesus Christ. Nothing in your life will save you and give you eternal life in glory. Nothing in your life is more important than He is. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

I am ashamed of the way I lived before, but I am not ashamed of Jesus Christ. If you will give me some time, I will be glad to tell you all He’s done for me since I dedicated my life to Him.

I pray that you will do the same. Don’t be ashamed of God. Honor and glorify Him in your daily life. Let others see Him through you. Forever is a long time, the last thing you want is for Jesus to deny you before God the Father. Don’t make Him ashamed of you.

Have a great day!