Consent To Search

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.     Psalm 139:23  HCSB

Consent to search is usually done with a written form presented by the law enforcement officer requesting permission to search and signed by the person giving their consent for their property to be searched. When someone refuses to consent to a search it is a red flag.

In probation and parole, we could search an offender’s residence without a warrant or without their consent. It’s like how God already knows what’s in our heart. He doesn’t need our permission to search it. Once an offender was convicted and sentenced to probation or granted an early release on parole, they signed an agreement saying that they understood that we could search their person, property and place of residence without a warrant.

Psalm 139 was written by David. David knew, as we all do, that God sees our heart. He doesn’t need our consent to search our heart. But in this Scripture passage David is not only giving consent, but asking God to search his heart. David’s purpose for asking God to search his heart is so that God may know if there is any offensive way in him. He concludes by asking God to lead him in the everlasting way or the way to eternal life with an intimate fellowship with our Lord and Savior.

The question we need to ask ourselves today is if God asked for consent to search our heart, would we freely give it? Would we open up what is truly in our hearts to our spouse, our Christian friends, or even our pastor. Or, do we feel guilt and shame over sins are committing? There are only two people in the universe that truly know what’s in our heart and that is us and God. We don’t have to give God consent to search. He knows what is in there and there will come a day when we will be judged accordingly.

We may be able to hide our sins from others. If it is found out, our sin may hurt others and they may judge us for it, but the ultimate judge for our sinful behavior is God. We can’t hide our sin from Him because He knows all about it. So, when you think about it, it’s crazy for us to sneak around doing things we shouldn’t do. You may be pulling the wool over the eyes of your spouse, your friends, your pastor or whoever else is involved. But, you are not fooling God.

In the Old Testament after the Exodus from Egypt, God gave Moses and the Israelites very specific instructions concerning everything He wanted them to do. In Numbers 32, He is giving specific instructions about crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land. In Numbers 32:23, He tells them that if they fail to obey Him and do as they are told, their sins will find them out or catch up with them.

Take time to search your heart today. What do you see? Do you see anger, hatred, strife, bitterness, sexually immoral behavior? Do you see anything that needs to be removed? Know that it can be cleaned and made as white as snow with God’s help. 1 John 1:9 tells us that if we will confess our sins, God is faithful to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

You may have sins that you have confessed to God that you don’t want to confess to others and that’s okay. What we are talking about today is the deliberate, ongoing, unrepentant sin in your life. Once we confess our sins and ask God to remove them, they are gone as long as we avoid returning to the same behavior. But, we are told in Hebrews 10:26 that if we deliberately go on sinning after knowing the truth, that there remains no sacrifice for our sins. It’s on us. In Psalm 51:10 David asked God to cleanse his heart after his sin with Bathsheba.

We don’t need to give God consent to search our heart, but we should pray each and every day that He would. Like David, we should pray that He would make us aware of any behavior that is offensive or that grieves the Holy Spirit. We should get in the habit of praying Psalm 139:23-24 each day.

If you have unrepentant sin in your heart, stop carrying that burden around. Give it over to God. Ask Him to search your heart and to help you remove any behavior that gets in the way of an intimate relationship with Him.

Have a great day!