Heresy Leads to Damnation

They want to be teachers of the law although they don’t understand what they are saying or what they are insisting on.
1 Timothy 1:7

Our Sunday School class has recently begun to study the curriculum from Answers in Genesis, which I highly recommend. I was taken aback a few weeks ago when I read the statement in our Sunday School lesson, “Heresy leads to damnation.” I thought that it was a bit harsh. But, then I began to study more about false prophets and false teaching.

Heresy is defined as a belief which is contrary to religious doctrine. This is why we must be sure that any church we attend has a sound doctrine. By a sound doctrine, I mean one that lines up with what the Bible teaches. We need to be sure that it does not take Scripture out of context or distort Scripture.

How can we tell if it’s heresy? Well, a good test is to see if it has a worldview or a biblical view. A common worldview right now is that we all just need to get along. No matter what any person or organization stands for, we just need to circle around and hold hands and sing Kumbaya. It talks a lot about peace and love and harmonious living, but not a lot about getting right with Jesus and following the Ten Commandments.

The Bible tells us that it won’t be easy to distinguish between those false prophets because they disguise themselves as apostles of Christ. It goes on to say even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. They look good, they sound good, they tell us what we want to hear. If you listen to their sermons you will not hear a lot about the devil or hell but you will hear a lot about health and prosperity and in short they manipulate Scripture to support heretical doctrine.  They have gained such popularity because they tickle our ears or tell us what we want to hear. 2 Timothy 4:3 said that the time is coming when people will not endure sound doctrine, but will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own needs. In other words we look for pastors and churches based on what we need, not on what we can bring to the church through our gifts. Romans 16:18 tells us that such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting. 2 Peter 2:3 says that in their greed they will exploit you with false words.

Matthew 7:15 tells us to beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. They talk smoothly and sweetly. They want you to believe they have your best interest in heart. They encourage you to send money. Many assure that sending them money will give you great financial prosperity or that it will bring you healing.

Scripture tells us to test the prophets. How do we do this? 1 John 4:2-3 tells us that every Spirit that is from God will confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, but every Spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. False prophets often talk a lot about making positive changes in our lives, but you will notice that they don’t talk a whole lot about the gospel of Jesus Christ. They don’t like to mention troublesome things like the devil and hell.

Another trait of false prophets is false prophecies. Many have claimed that the world would end on a certain date and have been proven wrong. In the Bible if a prophet made a prediction that failed to come true, he was put to death. But here we just give them chance after chance to get it right.

I couldn’t find any Scripture stating that we would get a free pass if we fell for heretical doctrine. Instead, we are encouraged to beware of false prophets. We are encouraged to test the prophets to be sure they are from God. If we fall for heretical doctrine I’m afraid that’s on us. So, please be very careful my friend.

In Mark 13:22, Jesus warns that false prophets and false messiahs will rise up and will perform signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, the elect. Tony Evans comments on this verse by saying, “Believers must be vigilant and discerning. Our theology has life and death consequences.”

The devil uses heretical teaching through false prophets to destroy us. We know from John 10:10 that he comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Don’t fall for everything you hear, heresy can lead to damnation.

Have a great day!