What’s In It For Me?

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life because of Me and the gospel will save it. For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his life?  Mark 8:35-36 HCSB

If we are totally honest with ourselves, most of us today spend very little time doing something that doesn’t benefit us. We work because we receive compensation through a paycheck. We seem to live in a society where everyone is looking out for number one. Everyone wants their voice to be heard and wants to be assured that their rights are not violated.

This is a worldly mentality. By this I mean, when we do these things we are acting as though we are citizens of this world. If we had a biblical viewpoint, we would see that we are only passing through. Philippians 3:20 tells us that our citizenship is in heaven and from it we await a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. James 4:4 tells us that friendship with the world is enmity with God.

You could say that we are just here waiting for our rooms to be made ready. There are times when I travel that I get there before the check-in time. I sometimes have to wait until my room is ready. In John 14:2 Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?” In Ephesians 2:19 Paul tells us that once we are saved we are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of God’s household.

The problem many of us have is that we see surrendering to Christ as giving up the things we love or love to do. We see it as a burden. We don’t feel that there is anything in it for us immediately. Oh, we may be aware of the promise of heaven later when we die, but we may be asking what’s in it for me right now?

I can only tell you that there is nothing in my life that I have given up that I miss. As a matter of fact, my load is much lighter without me lugging all that sin around. I turned my life over to God. I gave Him all my troubles and I also gave Him my service and my life. I gave my mouth to Him and I try to talk better to people and about people. I gave my feet and my hands to Him to serve Him. I do my best to give him my mind and take my thoughts captive so that they are obedient to Him (2 Corinthians 10:5). Now if you look at that, it sounds like a lot of giving and not much taking right? So what’s in it for me? Well, I’m glad you asked. In return for what I give to God, He gives me peace (Philippians 4:7). He gives me protection so I need not fear (Psalm 91). He gives me unconditional love (John 3:16). He gives me guidance (Proverbs 3:5-7). He supplies my every need (Philippians 4:19). Matthew 6:33 tells me that if I will first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness that He will provide all the things we need.

I have tried living in the world and I can tell you that my needs were not being met. You can try to fill those needs with money, drugs, alcohol, sex, whatever you think you need. But, my friend, God is all you need. When we set our minds on Him and focus on Him we will never do without.

My former supervisor used to say be careful what you want because if you aren’t careful you will get what you want and not have what you need. When we surrender to Christ, He takes care of our every need and often blesses us with some of our wants.

The world wants us to think that it has so much to offer. The devil makes sin look so good. But, my friend all that is going to do is cause you to lose your life. In the end you will be left with nothing but heartache. You will be doomed to eternity in hell.

God came so that we may not only have life, but have an abundant life (John 10:10). He doesn’t want us to merely survive, but to thrive. I hope I have done a decent job of explaining what’s in it for you? Don’t believe Satan’s lies. He wants to destroy you. Turn to God today. He will not only give you peace and joy and protection and provide all your needs here on earth, but He will give you eternal life in glory with God the Father. That’s what’s in it for you and me when we accept Him as our Savior and surrender our lives to Him.

Don’t you think it’s worth it?

Have a great day!