Is Just Barely Good Enough?

Each man’s work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each man’s work. If any man’s work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.
1 Corinthians 3:13-15  NASB

When we go to the range to shoot the pistol course for qualification, we shoot 60 rounds. Each round is worth 2 points making a perfect score 120. Let me say I have never shot a perfect score. The lowest score you can shoot and still qualify is 96. When I was working, we went to the range every quarter. We qualified once a year, but were required to be able to qualify on demand throughout the year. We practiced a great deal and I was a mid range shooter.

Since I’ve retired I practice much less and my scores show that. Last year with COVID the range I use was closed so I had gotten no practice before going to qualify. I just barely made it. While I felt a sense of relief that at least I qualified, I was disappointed in myself for shooting such a low score.

In our scripture passage today, Paul is telling the Corinthians that many of them are going to just barely make it into heaven. This means they may have accepted Christ as their savior, they may be good people, but they have aligned themselves with worldly people. They got saved, but they never grew as a Christian. They stayed in that baby stage. Many Christians seem to suffer from stunted growth or a lack of development.

I have learned something in the last ten years. I have learned the more I align myself with God and the less I worry about what the world is doing, the more peaceful and enjoyable my life is. I have learned the more I grow in Christ, the more I want to continue to grow in Him. I have learned you can’t have too much of Jesus in your life.  I have learned when I give Him the first part of my day, He takes good care of the rest of it. You see, we learn as we grow.

So, I want to ask you today are you growing? Can those around you see the growth? When a baby grows we can see it. I look at my two nieces, one is nine and one is 17. It seems like yesterday they were babies. They have grown so fast. They have grown from adorable little babies into a beautiful girl and a beautiful young woman. Their growth is evident.

Is your growth evident? Are you a better person than you were on the day you were saved? Do you talk differently? Do you act differently? Do you treat people better? If you answered no to any of these questions, you may just barely qualify for eternity in heaven. You may be squeaking by.

When I shot a good mid-range score, I didn’t worry so much about qualifying, but as my score has begun to drop over the years, I now fear I won’t make it. I have resolved to go to the range and practice more so I can know I will make it.

When it comes to going to heaven, do you know you are going to make it? Are you hoping the Christian life you are building here on earth will stand through the test of fire? Are you worried it may burn up like dead, dry leaves?

I have tried living a life that might have just barely gotten me into heaven. The problem is, I can’t tell you if I would have made it or not. I’m just not sure. But, praise God, He let me live long enough to dedicate my life to Him. He let me experience spiritual growth. He allows me to continue to grow by staying in communication with Him through Bible study and prayer. And praise God, I now know without a doubt where I will spend eternity. I’m not going to just barely make it. I’m sure that I’m going in. I am doing my best to go in with rewards of crowns. I want to have a reward or crowns to lay at Jesus’ feet when I get there. I want to show Him my appreciation here on earth and in heaven. I want Him to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He has first place in my life.

If the life you are living may just barely get you into heaven, you may want to make some changes. You may want to be sure that you know without a shadow of a doubt that you will be spending eternity in heaven. You may also want to be sure that you don’t show up at Jesus’ feet empty handed.

Have a great day!