It’s What You Don’t See

Therefore we do not give up. Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day. For our momentary light affliction is producing for us an absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory. So we do not focus on what is seen, but what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 HCSB

There are times that I look around me and I can’t believe how time has flown. I have never been one that has been concerned about the number that represents my years here on earth, but I must say that as it grows higher I have had some concerns. In caring for my mother and seeing her decline as time goes by, I can’t help but think about this verse. The dementia or Alzheimer’s is a disease that does destroy the outer person day by day. But, when I see that smile that reveals the soul that has loved God with all her heart for all these years, I can’t help but think about the wonderful home that awaits her in glory.

As humans in this world, we believe and trust in what we can see. We see and trust in our furniture to support us when we sit down. We see and trust in our car to get us from one place to another. But all these things get older and less reliable as time goes by. But there is something that we do not see that never gets old. It never ends. It never lets us down. This is God and His love for us.

We may not be able to walk up to God and touch Him, but we can feel His presence in our lives. We may not be able to reach out and touch love, but we can feel when it’s there and we can definitely feel when it’s not there. We don’t always see the protection that God provides, but I have lived through times when I know that He was the only One who could have saved me.  There were times when I cried out and could feel His protection around me.

We can do all kinds of things to make us look and feel younger, but we can’t stop time. Time continues on and even seems to go faster and faster as we get older. Part of me doesn’t want to get older  but I would still like to celebrate birthdays. I mean who doesn’t want cake, right?

I have to constantly remind myself that this old sinful hate filled world that I see is passing away. It’s not going to be around forever. But God’s love is eternal.

I have to be careful to remind myself that it is not what is seen that’s important, but it is what is unseen. I can’t see heaven but I can read about it’s beauty and splendor in the Bible. Revelation 22:1-5 gives a beautiful description if you are curious. I can’t see God’s angels hovering over me and protecting me (Psalm 91:11-12), but I know they are there. I can’t see God’s love for me, but I can feel it all around me (John 3:16).

Though our bodies may be aging, our souls should be preparing for an eternity in glory with God the Father. What we have on earth and what we see is temporary. But, what we don’t see is eternal. Psalm 14:1 says “The fool says in his heart, ‘God does not exist.’ They are corrupt; they do vile deeds. There is no one who does good.” A couple years ago, my niece had to memorize this scripture for class. At six years old, she was very upset that someone would think that. She said how could someone not believe in God when they looked at the trees and the flowers and the sky. Romans 1:19 tells us that what can be known about God is evident among us. It can be seen through His creation.

My friend, if you are worried about all the things that you can see like the work piling up and the bills piling up and the material things of this world, I have good news for you. All that stuff is going to go away. It’s temporary, it’s not made to last. Focus on what you can’t see. Focus on the God who loved us so much He sent His son to die for us. Focus on His goodness. Focus on the fact that He is faithful to cleanse our sins if we will confess them to Him and repent. Focus on the eternal life that is awaiting all of those who believe and trust in Him and accept His Son as our Savior.

Focus on the risen Savior who is alive and well and should be front and center in our lives today. It’s those unseen things that are here to stay and one day we will see them.

Have a great day!