Deeper In Love

Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him and he with me.   Revelation 3:20 ESV

This weekend the restaurants will be filled with people going out for that special dinner to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Many of us celebrate the occasion by sharing a meal with the one we love. Many families share a meal as a way of coming together and spending time with each other. In our scripture passage today, Jesus tells us that He is knocking at our door. If we hear Him and open the door, He will come in to us and eat with us. What does that really mean?

Well, we generally share a meal with someone that we are either in a close relationship with or as a way of developing a relationship. We fellowship with that person over a meal to get to know them. Jesus wants to spend time with you. He already knows you right down to the number of hairs on your head. But, He wants you to get to know Him.

If you are in a relationship with someone, be it a close friendship or a marriage, there is a high probability that you shared a meal with that person and got acquainted with them. Many first dates include a meal. It’s a good starting point.

Jesus is telling us that He’s standing at the door knocking. The question is do you hear Him? He’s calling out to you, do you hear His voice? Jesus wants to spend time with you. He wants to be in a relationship with you.

Now after you shared that first meal with someone, if that went well, you probably wanted to share more meals with them. You probably wanted to spend more time with them. You probably began to look forward to the time the two of you would spend together, right?

Well, that’s how it is with Jesus. When we open the door and invite Him in, we want to take time to get to know Him. If we are willing to take the time to really get to know Him, we look forward to the time we spend with Him. We want to spend more and more time with Him. We want that constant connection with Him where we feel His presence in our daily lives.

We must remember, however, that he doesn’t promise that it will be all candlelight dinners and roses. There will be hard times, but just like in any relationship where we have learned to trust the other person, we can count on God. We can trust that He will see us through the fire and the flood. He will bring us through unharmed. He will work whatever we go through out for our good (Romans 8:28).

When we are in a close, loving, trusting relationship with someone, we trust them to always have our best interest at heart. We trust that they want what is best for us and that they always have our back. No matter what we go through, we can trust that God has good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11). We can trust that He will protect us as long as we choose to live under His shelter (Psalm 91:1).

How is your relationship with Him today? Has it grown into a deep loving, trusting relationship? Or, has it fizzled over the years? If you feel that you are not close to God, I hate to break it to you but, it’s because you moved. God never leaves us nor forsakes us, but He does allow us to walk away if we choose to do so. He gives us free will. He never forces us to love Him or trust Him or obey Him. That’s for us to decide.

If you are in a non-committal relationship with Him where you just call on Him in times of distress, you can change that. You can go deeper. But, I warn you that when you choose to go deeper it will change you. It will change you for the better. When we fall deeper in love with our Lord and Savior, we want to please Him. We want to spend time with Him. We want to praise Him and worship Him. But, that’s all good because as we grow deeper and deeper in love with Him, we experience more and more peace and joy in our lives.

Only you really know how your relationship with Jesus is. Only you know if you are falling deeper and deeper in love with Him or if you are only going through the motions.

Either way, He is standing at your door and knocking. Won’t you let Him come in? It is a decision you will never regret. Go deeper into your relationship with Him today.

Have a great day!